How do I force CC3 To use Highest Resolution Symbols?

I didn't really understand the manual on this.

Anyway, I am going to export a map that is going to be a few feet in width. To preserve quality, I am wanting to ensure that it is using the highest resolution symbols. I know that CC3 sometimes used lower res symbols so that things work faster. So I am wanting to know how I make sure that it is using the highest resolution available.

Printing is going to be costly, so I do not want to end up having to reprint or thinking that it is pixelated when it turns out CC3 was just using a lower res image than was available.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    To force the highest quality (Not normally required) just click Display Speed Settings and set it to Manual - Very High

  • Thanks. I am assuming the fixed bitmap is what you mean by Manual since that is the only thing that lists very high.

    What does the memory cache for bitmaps do? How would changing those values help/hurt the speed of the program?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Yea, I meant fixed. That's what happen when you type from memory.

    The memory cache keeps bitmap images in memory instead of reading them from disk, which makes the loading faster. The -1 default size automatically allocates half the available memory, although I am uncertain if this is half of the max memory CC3+ can address [4GB] or half the system memory, I need to ask the developer about that. If the former, then you could potentially get some performance by increasing it above 2GB, but that really only helps if CC3+ needs that much memory (see the currently in use value). Increasing it if CC3+ doesn't need it won't help with anything.

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    One thing to watch out for is that the 4GB that CC3+ gets on a 64-bit OS version has to encompass everything, including in-memory rendering buffers, bitmap cache, drawings, stack, program code, and so on. Bitmap cache is the first thing to go. When the cache overflows, the oldest images are flushed, but things still get loaded. What having a too-small cache will do is cause images to be reloaded from disk more often and a somewhat slower drawing speed. Having a larger cache can sometimes result in fragmentation of memory space, which can keep larger buffers from being allocated for exports (especially when the max pixels per pass value is set high, which increases the size of the rendering buffers).

    If a large export works sometimes, but not others, a quick restart of CC3 can help. "One weird trick" for extreme memory management can be to zoom in on a corner of the drawing with no symbols (or pan until the drawing is offscreen), save the file, exit CC3, restart, and immediately do your export. No (or very few) symbol images will be loaded during the intial redraw and you'll have the maximum contiguous size for rendering buffers. It normaly won't make much of a difference, though.

  • Thanks. It said 30 MB is use without effects. Turned sheets on it became 33 MB. Changing the value to very high had no effect on memory. Zooming in raised it to 149 MB. So I don't think I need to mess with that even if there is a 4GB limit.

    Put I have not exported the giant map yet so I will see how things go with the memory then.

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