Request: Could we have an Empire of the Sun style for cities?

I like the Empire of the Sun style. I have been pondering asking about it done as a city. I then came across a map done by Joan Blaeu in the 1600's that seemed similar to what I was thinking about. Of course since it is of a Dutch colony, then the buildings are Western instead of Eastern.



  • I decided to throw this one together to see if I could make a city out of it. This is what I got in about fifteen minutes of messing around with the style. But I agree, it could certainly use more symbols of buildings.

    [Deleted User]MonsenAleDJulianDracosRaikoJimPWyvernTheschabiLoopysue
  • Nice try at doing a city. I may try myself. But as you have mentioned, the symbol limitation may be problematic.

  • 24 days later
  • While looking for a particular map, I found an artist on deviant art. Her name is Francesca Baerald and she has her own website. She does a lot of maps. These maps are for various game companies. Mostly table top RPGs like Warhammer and Legend of the Five Rings, but for some video games as well. Anyway, her cities maps have a nice style that I think would fit with my request. These are top down maps, but at an angle. Thus, you are not stuck with looking at only the tops of buildings.

    Below is a sample of some of her city maps. So maybe ProFantasy can hire her to do a style? Or someone already on staff could do a style at this angle?

  • Isn't that the Francesca, @Loopysue? The name and style/method rings a bell from a previous convo.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited December 2021

    Yes. She's done work for Wizards of the Coast, and a whole load of other big games companies. Really nice person and a great artist.

    In case you are wondering - yes, those are genuine pencil/ink and watercolour on real paper.

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