Wrong symbols showing when placing

Hey all. I am finally back into mapping after quite a long break. Really enjoying it! I did run into an issue though that I hope someone can help me with. After having updated and grabbed all the new free goodies, I am working with the Shley set. I am trying to drop a cliff, but when I choose the cliff and hover out over the map to drop it, it shows and places as the CC3+ default cliff that I had used while mapping years ago. Other cliffs in the set that I never used in CC3+ regular set come out fine, only the ones I have used in the past show as incorrect. Is this fixable? I do hope so, as I am on a roll!



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    This happens because CC3+ uses the symbol name as an identifier. Symbols are only defined once in each map, and each time you place a copy, it is just a reference to that definition. Unfortunately, since the name is the key, when you place the new cliffs, it finds the original cliff symbol in the map and uses that.

    To work around this, do one of the following:

    • If you don't have the original cliff symbol sin your map anymore, you can purge the definition using the symbol manager (from the Symbols menu). Just hit the purge button, and it will purge all definitions from the map that isn't in use. If you still have the symbol in the map, but want to remove it before placing the new one, you can also find it in the symbol manager and delete it (it will only delete it from the current map)
    • If you wish to use them side by side in the map, you need to rename the symbol already in the map. Use the symbol manager for this, scrol down and find the offending symbols, select it, and hit the rename button. Now the new cliffs should be placed fine.
  • Gosh you're fast! Worked like a charm. Thanks for being right on it! Admin of the year!

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