ProgramData setup files not getting deleted after installation
I've got CC3+ recently with humble bundle
When installing CC3+, I chose "D:\CC3+" as my customize installation folder. The thing is when installing add-on such as cartographer collection 1 and 2, my C drive free space decreased significantly.
I checked my Programdata folder and found out that those setup files are not deleted after the process.
Does it safe to delete those files manually?
Best Answer
Monsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
The program itself doesn't care about them, but Windows likes to have them available for uninstall/modify/repair action called from the control panel/settings. You might get errors uninstalling if they are not present.
The program itself doesn't care about them, but Windows likes to have them available for uninstall/modify/repair action called from the control panel/settings. You might get errors uninstalling if they are not present.