The Buried Library
Daniel Pereda De Pablo
Hi, everyone.
This is my latest CSUAC2 project in CC3+, The Buried Library. Entombed centuries ago in the massive Cataclysm that remade the face of the continent of Ansalon, in the Dragonlance D&D setting, the magical protections casted upon it a long time ago by the clerics of Gilean, god of knowledge, have preserve the now underground repository of knowledge, but not even they could prevent the rise of the undead who were trapped inside the libraries in the catastrophe.
As always, some Photoshop editing for the map borders, but otherwise pure CC3+. Edge Fade, inner, and Transparency are great to create shades in the terrains, you just need to pile sheet after sheet of polygons. It's around 8 MB, be data wise!