Documentation Location
I was wondering if it is possible during the Installation process if all of the PDF files could be placed in a DOC folder.
I get tired of hunting around all over my system to find PDF files for Annuals, core products etc...
I would think this would be a simple thing to do. But I understand it would be a laborious process to change all the installs to do this.
I have literally over 200 PDF's for CC3+ and add ons, and Annuals...
But to get this list of PDF's, I had to find each and every one of them and put them in this folder.
I just think it would be easier if the Installer put them all in a DOCs folder for us.
Dalton is right. The links for the main add-ons only open the add on, but the annuals listed there take you to the annual description and a link to the pdf mapping guide.
get-childitem C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus -Recurse -Include *.pdf | copy-item -Destination D:\Sync\Field-Manuals\Mapping
Destination directory needs to already be created. Adjust as necessary for your configuration.
I just open the mapping guide when I complete the installation and it gives me the option to do so, and then do a "Save As" to save a copy to the folder where I keep them.