ToUM Update & Cover; CC3 activation


I just purchased the Tome of Ultimate Mapping and have the following questions:
1-Why were the front and back cover not included?
2-Is there any way to get them? (I can see a thumbnail of each in the product page in the website, but no regular/high resolution)
3-Are there any news as to when will a new (revised) version will be released? (mainly updated for CC3, CD3 and DD3)

Also, I will be purchasing CC3 shortly but have the following question:
It is my understanding that the product requires an active internet connection during setup to verify it's legitimately licensed.
I don't have internet in my home computer (where I'll be installing the software). I will download the software at a friend's house (he does have internet), but don't want to install it and activate it there.
Is there any alternative way to get the software to work?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited August 2009
    1+2) The front cover of the tome is included as a separate pdf file. You'll find it inside the same directory as the tome itself. As far as I know, there is no way to get the back cover.
    3) No news yet. It is probably still a far way off.

    As for CC3 activation. If you install it on a computer without internet connection, it gives you a code that you must bring to a computer that does have an internet connection, and enter into the ProFantasy webpage (Along with your serial if I don't remember incorrectly) (CC3 will tell you the exact URL and what you need during install). The website will then give you a confirmation code to be entered into the CC3 installer before you can continue.
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    Thanks a ton for your quick response (especially for the CC3 activation information).

    I only have the tome right now; no other PF product. I know that's the reason why the support (sample) files that come with the tome did not get installed; however when I check the installation folder (C:\Program Files\TUM) I only have one PDF file (eTome.pdf) which is the tome itself (no other file with the cover).

    So, here are my questions to the PF team:
    1-Are covers really included with the PDF (download) version? If so, how would I go about getting them?
    2-If I had CC2 Viewer installed, would the installer have detected it and installed the support files?
    3-When I purchase CC3 (in the near future), will I have to reinstall the tome in order to get the support files?

    Thanks in advance,
  • 1.In the C:/Profantasy/CC3/Documents/Tome folder I got
    Tome Cover.pdf

    3.The Tome is yet CC2 not CC3. Which support files are you talking about ?
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    That's odd and makes no sense.
    Why wouldn't the I get the Sudbury.pdf, Sudbury_example.pdf and TomeCover.pdf?
    I can only think it's due to the fact I don't have CC2/CC3 installed; but c'mon ProFantasy, these are PDF files!

    The support files I'm talking about are the ones mentioned in the product page:
    "The Tome includes over 50MB of support files; example maps, symbol catalogs, tutorial files templates and style packs."

    Anyway, I'll try later to uninstall it, then install CC2 Viewer/CC3 Viewer (I'll try both) and reinstall the Tome; maybe that way I'll get all files.

    Thanks for your help! ;)
  • Now that you mentionned it I remember having tools.

    Yes I think you cannot see all because you dont' have CC3.
    Have you checked if any profantasy folder has been created in the install process ?
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    I did check within C:\Program Files but found nothing (have WinXP SP3)... maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

    I'll still try later today and post results.
  • Posted By: pool7maybe I'm looking in the wrong place
    Don't think so. Have them in C:\Program Files\Profantasy\CC3\...
    If you have XP SP3 (as I do) it's easy to check. Click START, SEARCH, all files, *TOME*.*

    I guess everything comes from not having CC3 installed. The install exe probably checked for those folders and as it didn't found them... I think the whole thing was to buy CC3 first and the Tome afterward.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    All the support files are basically useless without CC2/CC3 anyway, so it makes no sense in installing these. It is a bit strange that the other PDF files weren't installed though.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Shoot me an email ( and I'll be happy to set you up with the missing pdf files. I guess it never occurred to us that someone would be using the Tome without having either CC2 or CC3.
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    I just sent you an e-mail Ralf; thanks for looking into this.

    I tried with both CC2 and CC3 Viewers but these are not detected by the ToUM setup program.
    I'll be purchasing CC3 at the end of the month/beginning of next month, so it's not a big deal.

    I know it's not very logical to get the tome before getting the software, but what can I say? I love ebooks (and cartography) =P
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