FT3 - dark "over-dithering" on Windows 10
Howdy. I'm currently porting my system from an old Win 7 machine to a Win 10 one, and have reinstalled Fractal Terrains 3. However, it seems that the display doesn't want to play nice any more. When a map is rendered, it receives a dark stripey overlay in a final step that almost obscures the map. I think this is happening at the same time as the height map is applied (things are happening sufficiently quickly that I can't quite tell :). It happens with all shaders except pure bump mapping.
Any idea what's going on there?
Do you have the latest version downloaded and installed?
Version is 3.0.4. Is there anything more recent available? (the downloads page in my profile does not imply so)
The latest update I find in my downloads is version 3.0.21
@WeathermanSweden - thanks André
@Floyt - You may have to re-download the app from your account page to make sure this isn't being caused by an out of date version.