See Maps, Share Maps, Repeat. Part 2?!

I did say I would post these, and going through them now I see that I am sort of terrible at scaling things. Well maybe not scaling but I'm bad at getting the maps to work at least with Roll20.

Its a minor gripe.

Anyway, hopefully you can see some improvements in these maps vs the previous discussion post I made. In reality there's 2-5 months additional use of CC3+

But yea, throw that constructive criticism my way!

This one is a day version of the ground floor.

I noticed there's a bit of a graphical issue on the ground and first floor maps around the titles that isn't there in the 2nd floor map. Certainly fixable.

As per usual, throw some constructive criticism my way!

MonsenDaishoChikaraTheschabiLoopysue[Deleted User]


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