WIP: Galaxy Map and Template...

ala Remy ?

Months ago, I found the galaxy map template and wondered how to duplicate. With Remy's advice, I present the following work-in-progress.

Still working on how to figure out scale.


Centering text, lines with other entities was a real beatch. I'd appreciate it if someone(s) could teach me how to do this with little or no hassle. Thanks!

As I mentioned above, figuring the scale was a nightmare I am unsure I have correct---probably not. Current estimates on diameter of our galaxy puts it at approx. 200k. I had to make my own scale bar and then funky divide various values. Probably NOT right.

TRIMMING! I took a long time to finally get the radial line to trim to the outside of the center circle. I have NO IDEA how I eventually got it to work; but, I did. Once I did, copy>circular array worked easily. I did notice that I could not combine the 'star grid' into a poly. I tried all the options for converting line to path, path to poly etc. NO GO. So, could someone teach me how to combine the circles and lines into a poly. At this point, I'm not even sure I NEED to do that, LOL?

There were other issues which I know were covered in various tutorials but I simply forgot how to do (for example, I've seen Ralf changed text on the fly with a couple of commands--I mean the actual text, itself--and I could not duplicate, etc)

Anyway, PLEASE critique. I need advice. ?




  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited May 2021

    @Calibre wrote:

    I did notice that I could not combine the 'star grid' into a poly. I tried all the options for converting line to path, path to poly etc. NO GO. So, could someone teach me how to combine the circles and lines into a poly. At this point, I'm not even sure I NEED to do that, LOL?

    You can't combine a grid into a poly. A poly is basically a single long line that meet at the ends. You can combine multiple entities into a poly if they fulfill this property, i.e. meet end to end in a long chain so you can make a single line out of them, but a grid doesn't fulfill this.

    There were other issues which I know were covered in various tutorials but I simply forgot how to do (for example, I've seen Ralf changed text on the fly with a couple of commands--I mean the actual text, itself--and I could not duplicate, etc)

    Text can be changed using the Numeric Edit or Edit -> Text -> Edit Text. If you just want to change text properties, these can be changed from the standard Edit Properties dialog for multiple text entities at once.

    Getting text centered is mostly about using the correct justification (Usually one with center in the name), and then either using snaps or placement modifiers to to position this center point at the exact correct location. Other entities are usually centered by applying the center or midpoint modifier when placing them (Often also use this modifier when picking them up, to ensure the pick up point is the center of the entity)

  • Thank you, Sir Remy ? It was the text, itself. I will remember.

    On the Grid: hmmm. So I guess I don't need to do this. I want to somehow save just the circular grid as a template. I'm scurred to try heh.



  • For justification, I've found it easier to lay out the text and then edit the properties afterwards. Everyone has their own way, I imagine.

  • Thanks! Yeah, I haven't settled on the final text layout. It's all sorta blocked in atm.


  • Background:

    GURPS HighSpace Campaign: I run the area of the Unity and Aan Empire; a fellow GM runs the Shiva region

    The tech level allows for FTL Engines to traverse 10 parsecs/hour. Thus allowing an Aan ship, for example, to travel FTL from Saurus to Kragor in a month of Terran Standard Time.

    The vast areas of the Unity and Aan Empire are merely 'claimed territory'. Gargantuan drone ships patrol the perimeters dropping beacons that transmit into all frequencies in real space and hyperspace warning all encroaching vessels. Neither government is capable of maintaining effective military forces over such areas, of course heh. That creates a lot of interesting conflict hooks heh heh heh.

    FlipPoints or JumpTubes are noted on the map, but only the primary ones. These allow for instantaneous travel. Each segment must be 'flipped' or 'jumped' and the flipengines would need varying times to 'recharge' before the ship could proceed.

    Note on Theme: due to player request and just basic appreciation, we did borrow a few concepts from real life scifi themes: Galaxy's Edge, Flinx, Kirlian Chronicles, etc.

    Earth is in the Tellus Sphere noted in the Orion Spur. A Sphere contains dozens of worlds, usually.

    Tech Levels vary up and down. The tech level in the Shiva Systems is lower than the Unity, for example.

    Anyway, hope you like the map


  • Thanks, all. For a look at Unity Space:

  • I love this. This is inspiration to do my own maps with this style. I really want to create a science fiction world of my own as well.

  • Thranx for that. I suspected something as soon as I saw the Aan Empire, though it's a lot larger here than the "real" one (for those confused, see Alan Dean Foster's website, and navigate to the Galactic Maps section and other information via the sidebar; sorry, no direct link).

  • thehawkthehawk Surveyor
    I really like the galaxy map that you came up with! Makes me want to be inspired to try a Mass Effect one in this style. For the moment, I have to spend too much time in Visio so CC3 and I don't get along as well as we could. Maybe when I retire. Unless Ralph beats me to it. If that happens, maybe I'll have to redo Starflight instead..

    Did you get your template you were talking about for the circular grid? Would it work for what you're doing to just 'group' those objects together?

    Where did you find the galaxy image you're using? I've found a few I like enough to tinker with, but very few I like even as close as that one.
  • edited May 2021


    Yeah, I have the template. ?

    As for the galaxy image, I just googled and chose one I liked. Then I just blocked in the areas of dense stars and placed regions on that using it as a bitmap, then I ported that into the template as a bitmap and went from there. I used center, trim to either inside or outside (can't remember which worked) then copy>array for the star grid. The 'symbols in area' to place the stars randomly. The most time I took was trying to find the 'right' blur for the galactic arms. I couldn't decide, so finally had the other GM look at versions and /he/ chose one heh.

    Thanks, Wyvern. Yes, some of my favorite sci-fi. Yeah, I didn't reference ADF's maps as I was mainly just using the name/species. ?

    The map was fun to do, especially trying to justify such large areas for the Unity and Aan Empire. I knew the game would have ultra-tech from GURPs or near enough to it to rationalize those gargantuan regions. The other GM opted for NO flip-points, just FTL for his region. heh heh.



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