Mapping in multiple styles

I'm working on a "module" for GURPS, based (very, very, very) loosely on original D&D's Keep on the Borderlands. I'm extremely obsessive about accuracy/consistency, but I wanted to have a grid map and a visually pleasing map of the same location. So I created the grid map first, then inserted it into a new CA19 Lighted Dungeon map. I then adjusted the fills and replaced the symbols, and have now started adding furniture, etc. Due to the blue sun bug with the global sun transparency, until I have all of the lights placed I can't use the light system (and even then it may not look very good), so I've switched the effects over to a basic DD3 effects style. Most of the time I create my own effects styles but in this case since I'm focusing more on figuring out a streamlined process to switch from grid maps to visual maps, I decided to go with pre-existing stuff.

The two images are small, about 800x800, so I'm splatting them directly into the post. I'd appreciate feedback, particularly on how I can improve or further streamline the process of going from grid to visual. (For some reason, on the visual map the walls on the eastern wall appear to have gone missing, but that's only a problem with the bitmap image. In the original map, they're still there.) First the grid map, then the visually pleasing one:




  • Other than fixing the missing walls, this looks pretty awesome to me. You might add some furnishings, but I like the style in the lower drawing a lot.
  • kmunozkmunoz Newcomer
    edited August 2009
    The walls are back, and the furnishing is complete (using DD3, SS2-A and CSUAC bitmaps). I've finished off the main building section of the "realistic" map. I think the stable probably needs a bit less cobblestone, a bit more straw, mud and horse poop.


  • That's truly something amazing.
    I would just change the background bitmap scale or use the patch bitmaps to break monotony.
    Just out of curiosity: why use number if you label the rooms?
  • kmunozkmunoz Newcomer
    Thanks, and you're quite right about the ground bitmap. I will be adding some road-like areas and some plants/trees. I remember something in the Annuals about doing better backgrounds, I should go look through them as well.

    As for the numbers, since I'm making a "module" for this map, I haven't decided yet whether to just keep the numbers on the map (keyed to the text) or just keep the names (alphabetized in the text). And since I started with the map first, I need to make sure I can remember what the rooms are. ;) But in all likelihood in the final version, I'll have numbers on the flat grid map and nothing on the realistic map.
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