Tome of Ultimate Mapping error

I recently re-installed all the CC3+ software I'd purchased long ago (thanks for keeping my account open!) and I just tried to get ToUM to work with CC3+ and I can't find a data directory to install it in. Which is just what ToUM says to do in order to get it to work within CC3+. Can someone clarify this for me?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited April 2021

    The installer should find the data directory automatically during installation. Are you installing the correct version (i.e. the CC3+ version and not the older CC3 one, from your description it sounds like you may be trying to unzip the CC3+ compatible support files for the old tome instead of installing the proper full CC3+ version).

  • Nacon451Nacon451 Newcomer

    Well, the problem may where I installed CC3+. From my desktop. I did install it where it wanted to go. But I don't know if that's germane or not.

  • Nacon451Nacon451 Newcomer

    I just tried to install the ToUM again. There is no CC3+ data directory that I can find (unless it's hidden) and as the says:

    Place these files in Tutorials\Tome\ in your CC3+ Data directory. (You will probably

    need to create the Tome subdirectory manually)

    When the new CC3+ version of the Tome arrives you'll want to remove these files again

    before installing that.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    The data directory is where you chose to put it during the install of CC3+. Default is c:\ProgramData\ProFantasy\CC3Plus (Don't mistake ProgramData for Program Files, they're NOT the same thing)

    But as that last line you quotes in your post basically says, you don't want those files. Those are the files to make the old CC3 tome compatible with CC3+, but you should be using the actual CC3+ tome.

  • Nacon451Nacon451 Newcomer

    Ok, I see what you meant. I unpacked everything correctly. Thanks for the advice.

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