Hello! I am DoubleDouble

Hello everyone. I am very new to making maps, and I am somewhat new to table-top role playing. Kind of strange for someone with a degree in game design but it seems like I've decided I'm diving into this new hobby as if I've been doing it all along. (both ttrpg and map-making).

I picked up CC from a recent humble bundle and have been consuming all the Joe Sweeney videos and Livestreams (Thanks for doing those! I greatly enjoy them.) My background skills are probably more technical than artistic, which I think is why Campaign Cartographer is a great fit for my map-making. I am quite familiar with AutoCAD so picking this up has been fairly smooth for me so far. Sometimes I get a random specific issue, but nothing so bad that I can't find a solution that has already been covered somewhere.

I'm starting to feel comfortable enough to share my works, so you may start to see some maps soon from me. My plan is to take on commissions in my spare time (maybe full-time if there is enough demand), so feel free to hit me up if you think there's a world, city, or encounter I can bring to life for you.


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