Bought the Humble Bundle: Which tutorial do I go with?

I bought CC3 in the recent Humble Bundle and I'm honestly feeling overwhelmed with the amount of documentation on offer. CC3 itself has a Quick Start guide, an Essentials guide, and a User Manual. Then there's the "Tome of Ultimate Mapping", which has its own set of guides.

Pretty rare that I say there's an overwhelming amount of docs, but it's happening now. Where do I start first? Does anyone have a recommended tutorial order?

If it helps, my primary goal is making overland maps for regions (a valley, a forest, etc).


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    If you just want to get started immediately, the quick start guide will help you do that. But personally, I do recommend starting with the manual, and working through the tutorials there. They will teach you all the basic skills you need no matter the kind of map you wish to make afterwards.

    Then, after having played some with the program, go for the Tome. It is intended mainly for users a bit familiar with the program, and not a beginners tutorial, even though it does start off easy, but it do assume you are familiar with the techniques from the manual.

  • So, skip the Quick Start and Essentials guide and go straight to the Manual? That's manageable, I think. Thanks!

  • Check out the video tutorials on YouTube as well; Joe Sweeney, Josh Plunkett & @Monsen have all done excellent tutorials for beginners. Also, don't forget the Live Mapping sessions by @Ralf and Remy, lots of handy tips and tricks.

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