HUION pad set help?

Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone can share info on how to configure and calibrate HUION 1060P tablet for use with CC3+?

Is it in the TOME? Haven't had a chance to look yet.




  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    If CC3+ is compatible with the driver it is using, there should be a Tablet menu available near the end of the menu bar with a calibration command.

    Or you can type the commands on the command line, TABCFG for the configuration command, TABCAL for the calibration command.

  • Thanks!

    Tablet does show at the top. When I go to configure/calibrate, I'm not sure what it's asking and it fails. Is there a guide somewhere?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    It's explained in the CC3+ help files. Just search for tablet to get a list of the relevant topics. I've attached the calibration drawing.

  • Thanks

    I am trying to set the points by touching but CC3+, tho it shows me the coordinates, doesn't do anything else. The help file is, well, sorta vague. How do I set the points? Touching those points does nothing except, as I said, give me coords.

    appreciate the help


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Not actually using a tablet myself unfortunately, so if unless someone else jumps in here, I'll have to recommend that you contact tech support.

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    FastCAD (the underlying engine of CC3+) is designed around the notion of a digitizing table and puck ( something like this: altek_4_x_5_digitizing_tablet_table_31119123.jpg (400×300) ( ). A handheld pressure-sensitive tablet with a stylus doesn't work particularly well with CC3+ because the interaction model is very different. To use such as tablet (assuming that you can get it calibrated), you'll need to press and lift the stylus to start drawing a stroke and carefully hover the stylus over the tablet to your endpoint, where you'll press and lift again.

    In my experience, CC3+ doesn't seem to handle the idea of a stroke (stylus down to start the path, drag along the desired path to leave an entity, and the lift the stylus to make a stroke) particularly well. I have found that if I need a map entered into the system, it's been much easier to take a picture of the map and use a mouse (or stylus in mouse mode) to do the drawing than to try to run the tablet in digitizer mode. I would love to be able to do something like FREEHAND with a click-drag-release mode of operation, but it didn't work very well the last few times I tried it.

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