Reviewing one of the posts where @Loopysue mentioned she was suggesting a theme for a annual issue, one ideia came up. Why ProFantasy doesn't poll the community what they want to see in the next issues? I have seen this approach in many Patreon campaigns and I like it.
It's a nice idea, but in reality most artists have their own style and produce their best work almost exclusively in that style. In the beginning I believe Ralf Schemmann provided most of the artwork. He still does a lot of it, but it is nearly impossible to continuously and single-handedly pump out good quality art at the rate of 12 new styles a year without ever taking a break - especially if you are simultaneously responsible for a great many other things.
What normally seems to happen these days is that Profantasy find or are recommended to consider a particular artist's work and may invite that artist to do an issue in the current annual. As you may appreciate this doesn't always happen at the convenient rate of one per month, so I and a few others help Ralf to fill in the gaps.
This is just a suggestion, but perhaps it would be better to use this thread as a way to recommend the work of artists you like, so that Profantasy might use it as a sort of 'direction finder'.