Not printing complete map

Okay, granted this is a CC2Pro issue, but its always bugged me everytime I try to use the program to the point I would get frustrated and move away to some other project.

I've imported a map from FT, do the things I want to do with it in CC2 and then go to print. The problem is there is always a little part on the right that does not get printed. I turned off borders to see if that would help, but no joy. I will choose either "Active View" or "Everything", with "Everything" coming closest to printing the whole thing, but there is always that bit of the peninsula that gets cut off in both.

My settings -
View to Print: Everything
Sheet: Common Sheet Only
Fit to Page: selected
Options: none
Landscape: selected

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Do you experience this on multiple printers, or have you only tested it on one printer? Same goes for maps, does it happen with every map you try? It does sound like your printer driver might be misreporting the actual print margins the printer uses, which will cause this. If this is the case, an updated printer driver might help.
    If you print portrait instead of landscape, does it print the entire map then? (Obviously this will result in a map that doesn't fill the paper)
  • Thanks for the suggestions.

    It has only been on one printer (which is the only available here at home).

    I printed it portrait, and it does show the entire the world.

    I'll look into updating the drivers. I suspect, tho, they've been updated since I started having this problem (many moons ago). Can you suggest any way I can fudge the margins within Window's printer settings?

    Thanks for the assist. I have hope again!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited July 2009
    Problem is that CC relies on the information reported by the driver, so if the driver reports incorrect values, you can't change it from CC. You could of course tweak the map size by using the scale factor controls insted of fit to page, but trying to fit it to the page this way can be messy. Windows doesn't provide an interface for changing the default margin values either.

    There are a couple of other ways that might be good though:
    1) Export the image instead of printing them, then use image manipulating software to print it (As these usually does let you specify the margins, thus overriding what your printer driver says)
    2) Install a PDF printer (such as PDFCreator), and use that to "print" the map to a pdf file. Then use Adobe Reader (or compatible) to print it.

    Did you make sure you are printing on the correct paper size btw? A4 is a bit longer than Letter, so if your print driver thinks your printer is using A4, but instead it is using Letter, this might also happen.
  • Thanks, Monsen.

    I reloaded the drivers from the HP site, but with no change. I'll play around with the scale factor, though one time, making it 0.95 to 1.0, actually resulted in an all blue page. I'll try messing around with the PDF ideas.

    Seriously, thanks for helping.
  • Update: PDFCreator was the way to go. Thanks again, Monsen.
  • Looks like PDF Creator is a magical solution for both saving and printing problems :-)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Posted By: RevancheUpdate: PDFCreator was the way to go. Thanks again, Monsen.
    You're welcome. Glad we could find a workable solution for you.

    Posted By: GandwarfLooks like PDF Creator is a magical solution for both saving and printing problems :-)
    More like an acceptable workaround, I would say :)
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