map within a map

trying to ask a question but having trouble cause it won't start a new discussion for me.


  • now that I have the new discussion made... several years ago I made a map using cc2 at the time I didn't use layers or sheets but put everything in one area. I had the overall map in FT and transported it into CC2. One hardware crash later I lost the overall map. Since then cc3 came out and I've been working in it. I pulled the cc2 over to cc3. I have made a new world map (with plenty of back ups) I'm having trouble putting the old map into the new world map. I only want to take over the land masses but it takes over everything including the scale bar and milage bar. any advice help would be appreciated.

    Also I'm having trouble uploading the file so it can be seen.. help please. ...
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    As for uploading files. To be allowed uploaded to this forum, a file must be less than 1Mb in size, and less than 1024 pixels wide. If you are trying to upload a larger image, either reduce it in size, or upload the file to an image hosting service, and link it from here.

    As for inserting the old map, there are a couple of options as far as I can see:
    option 1) Make a copy of your old map, then delete all the objects you do not wish to insert. Now, just insert this version of the map.
    option 2) Instead of inserting the map, use copy/paste to copy over individual parts of the old map.
    option 3) Export the old map as an image, then import this image, trace over it in CC3 to recreate the parts you desire, then remove the imported image from the drawing.
  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 35 images Surveyor
    A note. When you export from FT to CC2 the map is usally grouped as one big group. You may need to ungroup and then copy the stuff you want to CC3.
  • unfortunately the original cc2 map was lost in hard drive failure.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    So, in what format do you have the old map? as an FT file? Or an image? I assume you have it in some format, since you say you want to put the old map into the new one.
    If you have it as an exported image, option 3 from my post above is the way to go. If you have it as an FT file, just reexport it as a CC2 file, then option 1 or 2.
  • 10 years later
  • The map I have i a printed out copy of parts of the world I'd have to copy it and put it into a format usable by CC+ and then import it into the new world I developed in FT. I don't want to loose all the stuff already done but I'm not sure if there is a way to do what I want to do.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Wow! Now that's what I call thread necromancy!

    10 years is really impressive - especially when its the same person, and the same map.

    Quenten - maybe the limit really was 1MB 10 years ago ;)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I don't think I saw this before.

    I would just scan the printed map to bmp or png. Import that onto a bitmap layer in CC3+, trace over it, era the bitmap from the map in CC3+, and then fix it up a bit.

    Did that with a few hundred 5mm hex paper maps when I first started making maps with this software.
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