How do you Fix a Broken Style

I am trying to use the Paul Linstrom B&W style for a city. However, most of the images are missing. When I open up the drawing tools it goes to default and lists a lot of color items. When I change it to the appropriate style, it is a lot of red X's. Symbol icons like houses appear to be fine.

Best Answers

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited January 2021 Accepted Answer

    Did you purchase a Bundle of Holding? The style was included in that, but it looks like that installer was missing the bitmap fills.

    I'm fixing this now.

    EDIT: I've uploaded a fixed version of the Bunde of Holding setup "City Annual Collection". If you re-download that and run it, it should add the missing bitmap fills.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Accepted Answer

    To fix the drawing style not loading, open the template file Annual Par Lindstrom BW.FCT (in ProgramData/Profantasy/CC3Plus/ unter Templates/Cities/Wizard) in CC3+ and under File >Drawing Properties set the correct style.



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited January 2021

    The style isn't broken.

    You have the correct drawing tools but no fills, so at a guess you started this map using a different template? Create a new map in the correct style using the correct template, and either copy and paste your work across to it, or save it as "temporary" (or some such name) and import it into this one to get the fills. You don't need to actually paste the temporary file. Just the act of importing it will get you all the fills.

  • This was a new map created in that style. Upon seeing that it did not work. I created another map in a different style. Things in that style worked correctly. I then created a third map in the Paul Linstrom B&W style. The problem still exists.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    I've just created a new map myself in the Pär Lindström Black and White City style. While I had to select the correct drawing tools the fills all seem to be there for me.

    When you create a new map in this style are the fills available for you once you have the right drawing tools selected?

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    From when is your installation of the Annual 2015? I just double-checked the installation files and they seem to be correct. Can you re-download a fresh copy of the Annual 2015 setup file and re-run the installation? Does that fix the problem?

  • As you can see by the image attached, I did select the correct style. There is just not fills. I just tried another new map and the same thing. I am pretty sure I played around with this style before (in the sense that I opened up a map and made random drawings to see what the style looked like.) However, maybe I am imagining things.

    I checked to see what was on my account. I do not have the Annual 2015. I think the style probably came with the City Designer when I got it. I suppose I would try reinstalling City Designer, but I think I just need to aim CC3 to the correct fill page.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited January 2021 Accepted Answer

    Did you purchase a Bundle of Holding? The style was included in that, but it looks like that installer was missing the bitmap fills.

    I'm fixing this now.

    EDIT: I've uploaded a fixed version of the Bunde of Holding setup "City Annual Collection". If you re-download that and run it, it should add the missing bitmap fills.

  • So I downloaded the file again and installed it. The style now seems to work correctly. The only thing is that it starts with default instead of the style. However, when I select the appropriate style from the drop down menu, the fills are there.

    Evidently that BoH also came with the B&W city from annual 4 that I bought. Oh well, at least there were a couple other maps styles in that annual I wanted to try out as well.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Accepted Answer

    To fix the drawing style not loading, open the template file Annual Par Lindstrom BW.FCT (in ProgramData/Profantasy/CC3Plus/ unter Templates/Cities/Wizard) in CC3+ and under File >Drawing Properties set the correct style.

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