How do i use a texture from another style?

In CC3 and also DD3 i can use symbol from other styles but not other textures.

For example if i wish to use the "cliff" textures from the style SS2A i just see a placeholder texture since the "map" was set to use DD3 Pro style.

I could copy the texture and put it in the DD3 style textures folder but i think there could be an easier way to do that.

Best Answer

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    The easiest way to use textures (fill styles) from another style is to first make a blank dummy map in the style containing those textures, then in your actual map, go to Draw -> Insert file and pick your dummy map and hit ok. Once you return to your map with the dummy map on your cursor ready to place, just hit escape immediately to stop placing it.



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