Verifying Symbol Set 1 Install - Compass Rose Question (Newbie)
First time poster, really liking the software so far. Big thanks to the tutorials on Youtube.
1) How would I verify that the symbol set 1 installed successfully on my machine? After installing it, as far as I can tell, there are no new symbols in the game at all. I am sure I am not looking in the right place. Is there an easy way to tell?
2) When I first set up a map, there is a dialog box for adding a label, compass rose, etc. How do I get back to this dialog box for a map that is already created?
Sir Gnomish
First time poster, really liking the software so far. Big thanks to the tutorials on Youtube.
1) How would I verify that the symbol set 1 installed successfully on my machine? After installing it, as far as I can tell, there are no new symbols in the game at all. I am sure I am not looking in the right place. Is there an easy way to tell?
2) When I first set up a map, there is a dialog box for adding a label, compass rose, etc. How do I get back to this dialog box for a map that is already created?
Sir Gnomish
2) You can't. Those entities are symbols or texts you can place yourself afterwards.
One other option would be to create a new map, clipcopy those features, open your map, paste.
To access clipcopy (clipboard copy) right-click the copy-tool (four connected blue squares) and select Copy to Clipboard. Don't forget to select the wanted entities AND to click an origin point or type 0,0. Same way for paste or ye olde Ctrl-V.
Remember those are entities so you can edit, move... them after insertion.
On the other hand with this option, everythings pasted gets on the same sheet (layers are saved though).
One quick follow up to this question. I browsed out in windows explorer and found that I do have the symbol pack. How to do I use it in CC3? I still only see the default items I suppose. I think that is why I was confused on their actually installing.
(the other icon lists the symbols in use and you might even find the scale bar and compass rose from your question 1. above if it is included in the template).
The Option button lets you change the way the symbols are displayed/placed.
Hope it helps.
You can also change the style these buttons load by using the Symbol Style Toggle