Setting all Symbol Catalogs to default

Hey all,

Could someone point me to the reference on how to restore default settings for symbol catalogs? I've been experimenting with various 'how to' videos, became distracted or otherwise occupied and have just loaded various catalogs and altered settings. I seem to recall someone asking this before, but cannot find the post.




  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    There isn't any restore to default feature except reinstalling. When you change the symbol catalogs, you do changes to the actual catalog and configuration files, and these are persistent. There are no "default settings" for most things in CC3+, other than to replace the various files with clean versions.

    If it is just the map settings in a single map that is messed up, causing it to load wrong catalogs and tools, you need to hit Drawing Properties and set the map style back to the correct style for that map type, and if you have changed the OnOpenMacro map note, revert it back to the original settings by just copying the macro commands from a fresh map in the same style.

  • edited November 2020

    Thanks, Monsen

    It's a map style, I think. I'll try to revert it.



    Oh, almost forgot: if I reinstall the latest update, would that do the trick or it needs to be a full reinstall THEN update?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Note that if it is a single map, reinstalling will NOT help, as that won't change your map.

    Just reinstalling the latest update won't help when restoring files to default, as that only replaces files contained in the update, i.e. things that have been updated since release, to restore original files you need to run the original installer (CC3+ base or add-on, depending on what you want to fix), and then re-run the latest update after doing that.

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