The Big Edit or CA68 Cutting Maps

Over on the CC3+ Facebook Page, I posted the below. I'll repeat it here as I know not everyone uses Facebook.

Ok. So this evening, I'm going to start work on my second commission. There is 1 country map, 1 regional map, 1 small city map and 4 levels of dungeon maps.

The country map will be taken from the large world map I've already done, the regional map will be an excerpt of that and the city and dungeon maps will be stand alone based on the regional map.

I will be keeping all the maps for this setting in the one folder with the intention of creating an Atlas. The minimal work required in CC3+ (adding the links essentially) for doing this makes it a no brainer but that's a discussion for a later time and will require redoing the existing maps from the already published adventures to make it complete - I'm thinking something like the Forgotten Realms interactive map. I reckon go big or go home, but that's just me.

Anyhow, the point of this post is to ask, what is quicker/easier for extracting child maps? Using the method described in 'The Big Edit' from The Tome or using the tools and tips from CA68 Cuting Maps? What are the pros and cons of each method?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited November 2020

    My advice, learn and understand the techniques described in both, and use what's appropriate for any given situation. I've also got a blog article here, but it basically uses mostly the same techniques from the Tome.

  • edited November 2020

    Thanks @Monsen.

    I fully intend too, it's just a question of time really. I only have a month to complete the commission and being very much a part-timer, time is at a premium. Also, when I'm quoting, I quote based on how long I think it would take a proficient person to do the map, in other words I don't factor in the 'learning' time. I got caught out years ago by a 'software consultant' who sent a trainee to our workplace and expected us to pay for them learning the software on the job. Was not a pleasant experience.

    I'll check out that blog article and probably go with that to start with. I'll do the dungeon (Ancient Tombs style) and city maps first to get them out of the way, then I'll know the timeframe I have for the child maps.

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