Custom rectangular grid - how to add coordinate labels

hi all,

In CC3+ I have made a map, but due to the restriction of a square standard grid I was forced to draw myself a custom rectangular grid using the latitude and longitude lines (in the Sheet for Grid). Since my world is in the shape of an egg I would like to have this represented in the grid. Now, the trouble I am having is that I can't seem to be able to draw outside of the limits of the map. As you can see below:

I tried to offset the 70 dg S lattitude line, downwards until it was outside the map. The thing is, even when I redraw the map, it's just gone. So how can I draw lines and use text outside of the limits of the map?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    There is a white rectangle outside the map on the SCREEN sheet. Hide this sheet and you can see what is outside. Draw on a sheet that is after this sheet in the sheet order to draw on top of it.

    The primary use of this sheet is to hide things like symbols that partially extend beyond the map border.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    It is likely that the offset 70 S line is still there but hidden by the white polygon on the SCREEN sheet. Try hiding that sheet and see what you find.

    The SCREEN is there to hide things that fall half in and half outside the map where they can't be trimmed. Symbols, for example, can't be trimmed so have to be hidden to tidy the edges.

    If you want something to show on top of the SCREEN sheet you need to put them on a sheet below that one in the sheets and effects dialog. You can either move the TEXT sheet down to that level, or make a new one, called TEXT on top (for example) and make sure that one is active when you place the labels you want to see on top of the screen. If you want to move existing labels to a new sheet at the bottom of the list, use Change Properties, or right click the hourglass and use Move to Sheet.

    That should solve your visibility issues, but it may simultaneously cause a new problem, where the map may export to JPG minus the border. There are a number of ways to correct this, but I will wait to see if we have cured this problem first.

  • captaincofresicaptaincofresi Newcomer
    edited October 2020

    Thanks for the help. I have now just put the Grid sheet beyond the Screen sheet so that is is visible, and just use the Grid sheet for both the lines and the text labels for the coordinates.

    And I did notice the border in the Screen layer before, because I selected it and turned pink. So now I also now know what that is and does.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    @Monsen - Remy, I'm having trouble seeing that people have already made a helpful comment. In this case I didn't even see your comment until I came back to this thread this morning - a whole day later.

    So I am sorry for repeating what you already said, but I really couldn't see it until just now.

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