Finding Joe Sweeney's CC3+ videos

During some discussions on another Forum in the last couple of days regarding options for computerised mapping, the subject of Joe Sweeney's excellent videos for CC3 came up, and I made the point about them being for CC3, not CC3+, which has come up here repeatedly, even relatively recently.

Then another commentator said there was actually a whole series for CC3+, posted about three years ago. And when I checked, lo and behold, yes there IS indeed an entire set for CC3+, overland mapping, and another set for city mapping with CD3 added a year ago.

They're all on this YouTube page, with the first overland video here.

However, the ProFantasy tutorials page still links just to the older CC3 videos. I don't think there are any newer dungeon/battlemap video tutorials, certainly, but the links maybe need updating now for the CC3+ tutorials (and perhaps also the zipped download set needs changing?).

I think the newer videos have come up on the Forum before, because I'm sure I watched the overland series for CC3+, but I tend to use the PF tutorials page when I'm quickly trying to find links to pass to someone else, and I know the last time I checked the link for Joe Sweeney's videos I had saved separately, the CC3+ videos DIDN'T appear on whatever that link went to.

Maidhc O CasainLoopysuejmabbott


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    The link on the main site seems to just link to the first video in the old series, letting YouTube guide you furter. I can't do anything about that, but I'll try to poke someone who can.

    The link in the forum sidebar on the front page should take you to his channel instead.

    Maidhc O CasainLoopysueWyvern
  • We've had a little more discussion about this on that other Forum since, as one guy there mentioned there were some missing worksheet links referred to in some of the CC3+ videos (I'm not sure which ones though). Checking Joe's own StoryWeaver website, there seem to be some broken links on his Master Mapping page, such as the one for the "New" City Mapping tutorials (which were added a year back, as I mentioned earlier). I'm wondering if he's maybe changed his YouTube channel at some point and not updated these links.

    However, clicking the "Master Mapping Tile Library" link on the home page's drop-down menu under "Master Mapping" also comes up with a 404 Error, so it maybe a problem with his website instead. The City tutorials are certainly still on YouTube, at least.

    Maybe this is something that might be better resolved as a whole in conjunction with Joe once Ralf's back? It might be useful to get an updated set of Joe's CC3+ videos prepared as a downloadable set like the CC3 ones, too (assuming Joe would be OK with that, obviously).

  • Something of an additional thought following on from this. I couldn't quickly find a YouTube link on the PF site today when trying to add a link to one of Remy's live-mapping videos to another topic on the Forum. I know YouTube's only quite recently become the default location for the live sessions, but they are very useful, and it seems a shame they aren't yet getting enough prominence on the PF site. Might be worth adding links and a list on the PF tutorial page, for example.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    @Wyvern - I think Remy is working on just that ;)

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