[FT3] adding an archipelago to a map


There is a map in FT3 that I like, but I would also like to add some kind of archipelago in the middle of the ocean. Is there a way to do that ?



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited September 2020

    Hi junelac :)

    Yes, you can sculpt more or less land into an existing FT3 world. I recommend opening the World Settings dialog, going to the Editing tab and checking the custom resolution box to set it up a bit like this. Any value you prefer in the box, though bear in mind that lower values will make editing clunky, while higher values will make the file rather big. Anything between about 4000 and the maximum, which is 8190, is better than the default.

    Then make sure you have checked the Allow Prescale Offset Editing box at the bottom there, and click Apply before you shut the dialog.

    After that, use the green prescale offset brushes, and make them plenty large with an extremely low power in the tool settings. By low I mean in the range of about 0.005 to 0.01. Then dab the area you want to raise or lower until you get it right.

    Editing an FT3 world is easier if you don't have the Continental Shelves checked on the Secondary tab.

    Whenever you change anything in this dialog remember to click Apply immediately afterwards, or your changes will not be applied.

  • Thank you very much !

    Coyuld you explain me the difference between raise and raise prescale ?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer

    They are different tools that appear to do the same thing, but using different methods. All I know is that the prescale offset brushes tend not to do as much accidental damage to the world as the other brushes do if you raise and lower the same piece of land repeatedly as a result of changing your mind about things being land or sea.

    For a more technical explanation you would need someone like @jslayton - if he is available :)

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    edited September 2020

    The result of painting with prescale brushes goes through the process that creates continental shelves, while the regular offset brushes don't. That process makes prescale editing nonlinear, which makes doing much of anything except having a human paint is a tricky endeavor. The regular offset brushes are nice and linear, but they can fight against the continental shelves.

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