Usage Restrictions

I was wondering what the usage restrictions are on the ProFantasy products. In particular can you publish the maps in books? Can you publish the maps in software free or commercial?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited April 2008
    Yes, Yes.
    Check the ProFantasy Licence Agreement. The bottom part, 'USE OF SYMBOLS AND ARTWORK', describes what you are allowed to do with the maps you make. Basically, you can do what you wish with the maps you make, including commercially, as long as it is a proper map, and not a "symbol collection" designed to just spread the symbols from ProFantasy.

    Note that I am not a Profantasy employee, and my answer here is not a legal binding answer from ProFantasy. I am sure Ralf or Simon will drop by this thread soon as well.
  • Thanks Monsen. I just found the license agreement and got an email back from them saying the same. :)
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