Sorry if this isn't correct place

I can't upload a .png dimensions 1024 x 768 in the Show and Tell.

I'm starting a new discussion so I don't know why it says it can't find the discussion!

Here's the error message
Some problems were encountered
The requested discussion could not be found.


  • This is caused by your image file size (not the image dimensions )being too large. Maximum file size is 1024kb. This is why I always save as a .jpg for here on the forums, the files sizes are much smaller.
  • It'd help if some of what you said was included in the error message, Shessar! Hey-ho.
  • Posted By: ShessarThis is caused by your image file size (not the image dimensions )being too large. Maximum file size is 1024kb. This is why I always save as a .jpg for here on the forums, the files sizes are much smaller.
    I can't work out how to resize the image. I'm probably being stupid, so could you tell me how you do it please? I've not had problems with .png files before so I'm comfused./
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Easiest way to resize an image is to use an external image editor, such as Paint,, GIMP, PhotoShop or whatever you have installed on your computer. Procedure varies between editors, but they all have a way of resizing images.

    Or, you can just change the size in the options dialog in CC3+ when exporting. You find that by clicking the options dialog in the Save as dialog in CC3+, AFTER you have picked an image file type in the save as type dropdown. In the dropdown, you can also select JPEG instead of PNG directly.

    .png files usually work out fine in the forums, but they are larger than their .jpg counterparts, leading them to be over the allowed files size in some instances. This is why you may run into problems with them here even if you normally don't.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I use png, and use Irfanview to reduce the pixels to 900, then save the file.

    I then look at the file size, if its over 1 megabyte, I use Irfanview to again reduce it.
  • What works quite nice for me is making a screenshot of the map in CC3+ or the jpg you saved.
    In windows the easiest way is using win+shift+s to use the snipping tool and then paste into an empty jpg in paint. The files are almost never to big then.
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