Upgrading from CC2

I have an offer available to upgrade to CC3. If I buy that, will that result in a 1-year license? A lifetime license?

There is currently a Humble Bundle offer for a lifetime or a 1-year license. If I got the 1-year, how do I get an upgrade for a lifetime license? How much is it? I don't see it in the store.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    The 1-year license is a humble-bundle special thing for the lower tiers, it is not sold anywhere outside that bundle.

    Any version of CC3+ bought in the ProFantasy store (be it upgrade or full version) will be a lifetime license.

    I have no idea how to upgrade to a full license if you get the HumbleBundle 1-year one though. If you need an answer there, I recommend contacting ProFantasy directly.
  • Thanks, I will. Does PF post on here?

    The HB bundle that includes the lifetime license is really good though so I might get that anyway - $43 US and includes Dungeon/City Designer, Perspectives, a bunch of symbol packs, the source map bundle, pretty much everything but Fractal Terrains and the annuals for 20 more than my upgrade. I probably don't need that stuff badly enough for full price, but for 20...
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited July 2020
    They do every now and then, but this is a community forum, so the best way to get official answers quick is to use the link I posted above.

    The HB is a great deal, but it is still a bit away from pretty much everything. It doesn't have SS1, SS3, SS4, SS5, Dioramas, Cosmographer, Source Maps Cities, WW2 atlas and Character artist either, in addition to what you listed above. But it is still a great deal. And the difference in price between the 1-year license and the package with the lifetime one is really small, you get a lot extra for a few dollars more.
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