Boolean Operations

Obviously not in now, but are there any long term plans to add in boolean operations?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm trying to work out what scenarios would make them necessary, or better than the trims, chamfers and conversions.
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    I think that the most common scenarios for boolean operations would be to chop out one area from another (subtract) and make areas one continuous appearance (union). As observed, there aren't explicit boolean operations, but there are ways to get some of the subtract and union behavior on entities using the multipoly operation.

    It's also possible to get similar results using the CC3+ effects system. The Color Key operation can work similar to a subtract operation ( see for an example ). Some effects that can give a result similar to union are Texture Overblend (colors everything on a sheet according to a texture), and RGB Matrix process (set the left-hand three columns to all 0 and put in the RGB values for the right-hand column to get a solid color for everything on the sheet). The Color Key and Texture Overblend effects were made by someone who couldn't get the hang of the subtleties of multipolies...

    Note that some tools in CC3+ produce outlines on one sheet and the filled elements on another. You have to do your operation to both places to get your desired result.
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