Sharing symbol catalogues
Hi Everybody,
it may be obvious, but I wanted to check anyways. When sharing a PNG based symbol catalogue which files do I need to include in the zip file?
it may be obvious, but I wanted to check anyways. When sharing a PNG based symbol catalogue which files do I need to include in the zip file?
Firstable, you are not allowed to share original CC3/DD3/CD3 pngs owned by Profantasy (well you might be allowed to share CC3 pngs because only a CC3 user could use them. Or ?...)
Secondly, catalogs containing PNGs symbols are linked to the file containing the PNGs. If you want to share home made PNGs symbols, the next user must place the PNG in the same relative file or edit all symbols to direct to the new path.
Then just zip up the symbol catalog file, and the subfolder contining the png's.
The next user will need to use the same relative path as you used, as Joachim said, so if you had the symbol catalog file stored in the "User" subfolder inside the "Symbols" directory, he would have to place them there too. Exactly where CC3 is installed doesn't matter though, as it is the relative path to the actual CC3 directory matters....