ProFantasy Community Forum
The ProFantasy Community forum is the main place to discuss everything related to ProFantasy Software, such as Campaign Cartographer and Fractal Terrains. Ask questions, get help, show off your creations.
Category List
Everything about mapping with Campaign Cartographer 3, Fractal Terrains and its add-ons, for existing users.
Tell the community about your mapping projects and show off your maps for advice and comments here.
If you've found some useful map-making resources online, or want some non-ProFantasy software related map-making tips, discuss them here.
546 discussions 3.7K comments Most recent: Ideas and Wishes for Monthly Dungeon Symbols by thehawk on February 16
If you have technical problems with Profantasy software, you can post here for support. For direct Profantasy technical support please visit the appropriate pages on our website,
2.4K discussions 13.1K comments Most recent: Why do sheet effects turn off? by Royal Scribe on February 17
For questions concerning one or more Profantasy products for people who do not yet own them.
804 discussions 4.6K comments Most recent: Installation of new monthly content - Fractal Parchment Worlds by Quenten on February 10
If you want to enhance your Profantasy software with macros or XP programming, post to this category.
87 discussions 580 comments Most recent: Strange Exception With Exclamation Point by KertDawg on February 6
Feel free to create a new discussion in this category to introduce yourself. Please use your name, real or nick, in the discussion title to make it easy to identify. Feel free to introduce yourself as a new member, or perhaps later, when you feel a bit more comfortable with the forum. We always love to know who our members are, and what they use their maps for. Please don't ask mapping/support questions in your introduction thread.
This category contain a curated collection of resources useful for the mapping community. This includes things like videos, tutorials, artwork and generally useful information. Users can not create new topics here, but can reply to existing ones. If you have anything new to post yourself, please use the appropriate category, such as Cartographic Resources.
11 discussions 235 comments Most recent: Community Atlas Project - Download information - Contributions Welcome by Ricko on January 21
This category contain important forum information, such as forum rules, as well as helpful information for the various forum features, such as image uploads.