Fixing Overlapping Roads

Hi guys,

I recently started a Shadowrun campaign with a few friends and so far I'm really excited about CC3+ and the AddOns but as of now I always used it for Medieval Fantasy type settings. The other day I got the CSUAC pack to build a 3 story house in a Cyberpunk-esque setting. However now I want to build a city map and therefore trace an existing area taken from Google Maps. I traced the roads but have a problem at intersections/crossings. When two separate roads meet there is an overlap between the two. If the road runs in a circle eventually overlapping with itself there is also an overlap however differently styled. See the image for an illustration. The overlap in the center is an overlap between two separate roads. The ones at the right and very left are overlaps of the same road intersecting with itself.

How would I get rid off these overlaps and let's say "merge" all exisiting roads into one seemless road segment.



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Two separate problems here.

    If you are using a transparent texture for the roads, or the sheet they are on has a Transparency sheet effect on it, change the texture for a solid non-transparent one or get rid of the transparency effect.

    When lines have a width they behave just like polygons, discounting the fact that they only have a single line of nodes down the centre instead of a boundary line. Just like polygons they will cancel themselves out of existence if you cross them over. So the solution is to draw your road in bits rather than trying to do it all in one big tangle.

    Your roads are already 'grouped' together by being on one sheet.

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