CC3+ Exporting Options

Hello. I recently became aware of your products and I have tried to find the answer to this question but couldn't really get a good answer. I know that there is an export capability in your software but I would really like to understand what type of exporting options there are. Specifically, I would like to know if you supported something along the lines of a JSON, YAML, or XML type of file format that could be imported into a game for further processing / interaction other than as just a graphic. I did find one Community Forum post that mentioned something about making a "custom exporter" but couldn't discern anything further on that topic.

Another option might be if you made a way for a binary format to be read.

I am really intrigued at your software (CC3+) and its fabulous capabilities. Thanks in advance.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    No. The export options in CC3+ are primarily image exports (png, jpg, bmp). It is also possible to export to the autocad formats, although this only exports the entities in the map, but not the external raster images referenced in the map (symbols, fill styles). Lastly, you can also export all the text in the map to a text file. Nothing particularly fancy, just a simple list with all the text.

    Writing a custom exporter is possible, but that is software development work. If you know programming, and don't mind learning a few API's, then it is possible to write an add-on to CC3+ to do that, but it isn't something anyone could do easily.

    I am a bit unsure what you really wanted to use those formats for when you say "further processing" though. Those formats you list are primarily used for data exchange, not graphics, so exactly what kind of information do you really want to export? They're also general formats, so even if CC3+ exported the entire map in XML format, that wouldn't mean that any other program reading XML could make head or tail of it anyway without having a custom importer telling it how to actually use that data.
  • taustinoctaustinoc Surveyor
    Posted By: MonsenI am a bit unsure what you really wanted to use those formats for when you say "further processing" though.
    I suspect he's looking to automate creating the visual blocking layer in a VTT, possibly MapTool (which had a recent update that makes this much, much simpler and faster). There's at least one mapping tool that does this now, but I suspect it was set up in such a way as to make it a lot simpler. Doing that with CC3+, using raster graphics, would . . . be a bit of a challenge.
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