Myrirandios, my revised version



  • I found the style fiddly, as you can see from my mistakes.
    However, I generally liked the look of it.
    The first Annual has some good bits - especially No 1 (Mercator); No2 (John Speed); No 3 (Inns); No 4 (Sarah Wroot); No 5 (Pinicale); No 7 (Caves); No 10 (Cathedral) and No 12 (Dungeon Styles). Pretty good out of 12 issues. The others are No 6 (Parchment background - pretty basic); No 8 (Starship - I am not into SF); Issue 11 (Connecting Symbols- more tutorial then anything, but useful).
  • 10 days later
  • Here is the 'corrected' Alodosis Map. Thanks again to Nagorak for his critique.
  • And here is the first instalment of Annual Issue No 3 "Inns". I found this a VERY helpful exercise, and learnt a lot. I will get onto the 1st and 2nd floors, and 2 underground floors when I can - I will be going on a 3 month outback holiday with my wife from end of Feb to end of May, so no computers for that time. I will also post before then both a version of an ancient Greek compound using the lessons from this No 3 issue, and hopefully an offering in the Sarah Wrrot style of Logrid and Evain, an Island complex off the northeast coat of the main continent in the Western hemisphere.
    The picture today is of the ground floor of the Crazy Camel inn, based on the Warhammer Inn. It is situated near the top of the pass between Alodosis and the capital of Klemtos, Jhelrosis. Note - no horses - only camels survived, and the so called pigs and dogs are really native wildlife (Humans are the aliens on Myirandios). Also note the centipede creature in the courtyard, called a Pedi, and used for transport of some heavy goods.
    <img src=" Camel Inn_Ground Floor.PNG?dl=1"
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited January 2016
    Wow! What a gorgeous and detailed map. There's so much to admire about this map, I don't know where to start. That's a lie, I'll start with the marvelous wagon tracks, mud, and puddles in the road. The real problem would be where to stop, so I'll just say that your attention to detail pays off in spades. I eagerly look forward to your future installments.

    Thank you for posting the FCW. I'm going to enjoy examining the map in detail!

  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    edited January 2016
    This is a beautiful map. I wish I had been so disciplined when I started working with the tutorials (Your John Speed map is also awesome).

    Question, when I open up your fcw file, a lot of stuff is missing. I don't even have a sheet for the walls?

    EDIT: I'm referring to the map of the inn.
  • I just had to pop in here to comment on this. Your Mercator map has left my jaw on the floor. Beautiful work and quite the inspiration. All of your maps are fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
  • seycyrus, I don't know exactly what the problem is. I will post another .fcw with a dot on each sheet, just to make sure it stays there, and also an .fct of the symbols used, and the bitmaps used. But give me a few days on that.
    I have made an excellent start on the 1st floor of the Crazy Camel Inn, and here is my offering of a 'Greek' house, with 3 shops leased out, on the main strip of the Jhelrosis shopping sector. The society is a Minoan, black women one, ie Mediterranean buildings, rarely more than 2 stories high, and bare breasted bodices for the ladies (and veils for the men). As you can see, the beast of burden is the camel, and the house is very modular, and can be put into rows and blocks, as happened in many ancient Egyptian and Roman cities. The first floor should be posted in the next day or so, ditto the basement.
    Annual issue 4 'Sarah Wroot' is also nearly complete.
    <img src=" House_Ground Floor (reduced).PNG?dl=1"
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: qwalkerThe .fsc file for the symbols I used for the Inn
    Note that this file is not really helpful. Anyone who downloads the .FCW file can just hit the 'Symbols in Drawing' button to get the exact same result. (And if you are lacking some of the symbols in the map, they will lack in this symbol catalog too)

    Excellent work on your maps though.
  • Thanks for your work qwalker. Your maps have always been both good-looking and useful to me as someone who is trying to learn.

    But I also have a problem with your greekhouse fcw file. After downloading, and opening it up I don't see anything. In fact the only sheet I see is "common".

    Info->select all-> do it only shows one entity.

    Can someone else please take a moment, download the fcws and take a peek as a sanity check for me?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    Don't worry about your sanity. I just grabbed the .fcw's, and I see the same as you. The inn misses lots of sheets (and all the entities that are supposed to be on it), while the greek house don't have any sheets or real entities at all. Seems like these are corrupted for some reason.
  • GatharGathar Traveler
    I like the privy, which are definitely not private at all :)
  • Thanks for sharing. A couple of things I noticed that might be unintentional or you might want to reconsider;

    Greek House Map:
    -Kitchen and Communal have text both of white and dark brown. All the other (except Privy, see next comment) are single color so these stand out as different.
    - Privy is a dark color text, which is different than all the other room names (except as above)

    Crazy Camel Map:
    - The edges between the path and the grass is unnatural looking. It looks like you used a segmented polyline rather than a smooth. IMO, it should be smooth (or even jagged/uneven) but not straight lines with abrupt angle changes. This is especially noticeable near the #2 tag.
  • LordEntrails, thanks for the comments - I did notice the text strangeness on the Greek map - not obvious till I converted it to a PNG. I will fix. (I also have to add a few things in the bathroom - poor man is going to have nothing to dry himself on, let alone get dressed in). As for the path edges, I can easily fix this, and will post when I get the 1st floor done. Again, thanks for the very helpful comments.
    Monsen, I am not sure why the .fcw's are not working. I will repost the Greek House ground floor fcw - can you recheck? it has all the sheets working for me.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited January 2016
    Still corrupted. I did a quick test using one of my own maps, and that came out just fine, so it doesn't seem to be a forum problem as far as I can tell.

    But I do remember you had problems posting images to the forum, they were all cut of. Maybe the exact same thing happens with your .fcw files. If the end of the file is missing, that would cause such problems as we are seeing. What is the filesize of your Greek House map on your computer? The one I got from the forum is 344KB (342 for your repost).

    I have no idea why you are experiencing these issues, as nobody else seems to encounter them, but your dropbox uploads seems fine. I suggest you just stick the .fcw's in dropbox too, at least that seems to work correctly for you.
  • Well, here goes, the .FCW's for Aladosis, Greek House and Crazy Camel Inn, via dropbox. Can someone check them out for me? [already done, thanks Monsen - there were a few errors on the Greek house, and a newer copy is here now]
    Crazy Camel Inn_Ground Floor.FCW
    Greek House_Ground Floor.FCW

    Big thanks to Monsen who helped millions here.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    Looking good now. I didn't have all the symbols/fills at this computer, so got a few red X'es, but everything seems to be intact, all sheets appear to be there.

    Note that you cannot use the <img> tag on files, that's just for images. I've edited your post real quick so you can see how to do it. You may wish to edit it a bit more yourself to pretty up the display names, I just did a rudimentary edit, I am in a hurry now.
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