A Breath of Fresh Mountain Air

RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker
Here's the next installment from my ongoing Deadlands: Reloaded campaign. Last session I needed a battle map for an encounter in a mountain glade and come up with this. It's created from DD3, Annual Vol 5, SS2 and CSUAC resources.


You can download the print-ready A1 pdf of the map here, and the FCW file is attached to this post.

If you're interested the session log that goes with the map can be found on my personal blog.


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Nice. A little more verdant than I'd expect for a game called "Deadlands," ha ha, but I like the layout of the terrain. What's the wooden structure the captive (?) is tied to? From this angle, it looks like a kind of tripod. Is the figure hanging (as in, from a noose)? Pretty neat the way you constructed it!

    Also, I'm curious. Hex grid for a battle map? Is that a Deadlands thing, or maybe a personal preference?

    You pros always amaze me.
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    How did you do the foot prints?
  • My guess is that he imported a custom symbol from a PNG of the pair of prints and placed them where he needed them.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker
    Yeah, this is set in the Pacific Northwest of the "Deadlands" US, so no barren desert landscapes. There's forbidden dark forests, trackless wilderness and LOTS of snow (upcoming) instead. ;)

    You got the tripod right (Yay to my depiction!). The figure is hanging from it indeed, the poor cowpoke is bait for a monster.

    Deadlands doesn't care what grid you use or even if you don't use one at all. For outdoor maps I personally do prefer hex maps.

    As for the footprints, there is a symbol in DD3's Debris catalog for these. No custom symbol needed. And yes, the size of those prints is on purpose. :D
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited December 2012
    Posted By: RalfYeah, this is set in the Pacific Northwest of the "Deadlands" US, so no barren desert landscapes.
    Well, that's embarrasing. I've lived in the U.S. my whole life and didn't realize the Deadlands were the Pacific Northwest. Ouch.
    Posted By: RalfAs for the footprints, there is a symbol in DD3's Debris catalog for these. No custom symbol needed. And yes, the size of those prints is on purpose. :D
    Yikes, must be hard to find good-fitting boots! They look like Paul Bunyan's footprints!


    Not sure how well-known Paul Bunyan is outside the U.S. but, for those unfamiliar, he's an American folklore/"tall tale" character, a giant lumberjack who has a giant "pet" blue ox named Babe.
  • edited December 2012
    Here you go - a picture of Paul Bunyan & his pet blue ox, "Babe", LOL
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    As for the footprints, there is a symbol in DD3's Debris catalog for these. No custom symbol needed. And yes, the size of those prints is on purpose. :D
    Thanks for the tip
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