Unable to access styles on my system

Hi everyone

I bought a bundle through Humble Bundle which included a whole bunch of different styles etc. I was using CC3+ on my old computer, but it died. I have reinstalled on my new computer but I am running into some weird issues. After that I didn't do any mapping for a while, but I need to make some more maps now.

I want to use Annual Spectrum Overland style, which was the style I used on my initial maps. I can see using Windows Explorer that the templates and symbols are on my computer but when I open a new map, the map style options do not include Annual Spectrum style (or several others which I had previously access to).

Any ideas?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited January 27

    That sounds a bit odd.

    You say the Spectrum Overland folders are there?

    Make sure you are looking at the Overland styles when you run the new map wizard, and that you have "Decide settings myself" picked at the bottom of the dialog.

    If it's installed, then you should be able to pick it in the second window.

  • This is what I tried. No Annual Spectrum.

    I wonder if the files were accidentally saved in the wrong place. Mine are in

    /Program Files (x86)\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Fantasy World Mapper

    Which looked like the right place, but maybe its not. There is a bunch of files that have been dumped in my Documents file system for some reason, but these don't seem to be usable either.

    Can you let me know where the files ended up in your system, so I can compare?



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    It is unlikely the installer has put the files anywhere they shouldn't be, but if they have somehow ended up in the wrong place it is probably easier to try reinstalling that package.

    I've never used that particular installer myself so I don't know if there's a repair option if you just run it again on top of itself (so to speak). Worth a try?

    If a reinstall doesn't work please contact Tech Support through the form on the Support tab of your registration page (when you log on to your account on the main Profantasy website).

    Don Anderson Jr.
  • I uninstalled and then reinstalled, and that worked thank you

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    That's good. You're welcome :)

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