After Day's of Watching Videos

After days of watching YouTube tutorial videos, I picked this world in FT3 to start my first map project in CC3+! This is the result after following the One Day World Builder. I still haven't messed with raising land, only lowering parts of it. I think I ended up saving 13 different maps on FT3 before deciding on which one to practice with.

LoopysueMonsenRoyal ScribeRickoRalfWyvern


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Yeah, that's actually a record minimum. When I developed The One Day Worldbuilder I had about 75 worlds saved up to chose from.

    Royal ScribeRyan ThomasMapjunkie
  • I probably went through more than I saved; I just didn't want to overwhelm myself with so many files just yet. I want to get used to CC3+ first. I've mainly been playing with FT3 and learning it. Now I'm ready to start learning CC3+, which I figured out why I love so much—it's vector-based! I've used vector programs my whole life when my parent was in the sign business. Every computer I had growing up had Corel Draw or some other vector graphic art program on it. I still have the Corel Draw and Corel Draw 2 in the boxes!

    Royal ScribeLoopysue
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    I had the CorelDraw 11 Suite. After that it got too expensive to carry on, though, so I ended up more or less abandonning digital art till I got CC3.

    Ryan Thomas
  • This is a nice planet, by the way. I can't tell you how much I struggled to get the land-to-sea ratios and size-of-content settings to generate what I wanted. Even then, I had to do some terraforming to turn some inland seas into gulfs connected to a bigger ocean. (And then I flipped the north and south poles because I liked how it looked upside down better). Your world looks like it has some nice, large land masses that are separated from one another, giving yourself a lot of flexibility in how you want to develop things.

    Ryan ThomasLoopysuezace66
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    Yeah, Corel used to be the go-to art program in the sign industry, then Photoshop got popular and they started competing. I always loved playing on CorelDraw growing up. It was better when I was at the sign shop and got access to so much more back then. I remember sitting at my mom's desk at like 7, because I had to go with her cause I was sick, and all I did was play around with Corel and learn how to run a router for vinyl signs and letters.

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    Thanks! I went in and separated only 2 of the landmasses, and not by much. Besides using the One Day World Builder, I also went online and searched for what people would say was the best way to make their worlds, and I would mainly use what Joe would recommend in there, then played around with the ocean percentage from there. I tried my best to get the landmass size to 2.00, but it automatically put it to 1.99. I also changed the base rainfall per year to 39 to make it more earth-like, climate-wise, but I know the ocean and wind currents don't play an account in FT3. I mainly did that for myself to get a better look at the climate map. I also found that the fBm with Perlin's Improved Noise, will give you more of a map that has a couple of large landmasses, no matter what you put for the size. You get like 2 maybe 3 tops, but I used RMF with Perlin's Improved Noise for this map. For the pole, I made it the same as Earth's also, 90 degrees and 0 degrees. I was just wanting to play around with the settings and make it more earth-like to see what I'd get. This was the only one I kept using those pole directions though.

    Royal Scribe
  • Quick question: After watching this video:, is it possible to import your FT3 map into CC3+ keeping the same colors as he did in the video, or do I have to manually do it as it says in the mapping guide? Here it is in CC3+ currently after saving using the same cc3+ template as he did in the video

  • The CC3+ Jerion template is what I used to export it after watching the youtube video

  • I believe that it says you have to input each colour selection.

    As long as your file is saved in FT3 it's save to mess around with the export. So just give it a go.

    Ryan Thomas
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Can you please click the colour swatch in the top bar to reveal the palette, and take a screen shot for us, RyanosRealm?

    The ODW was written several years ago now. Since then there has been a notable blog, a new version of FT3, and at least one Cartographer's Annual that relate to it and update things somewhat. If you show me your palette I will have a better idea of how to help you from where you are, rather than trying to work it out in my head.

    Thanks :)

    Ryan Thomas
  • I just did a world for craps and giggles and used the Mars style, then exported that as CC3. Came out just fine. Didn't look as good as Fractal does, but fractal looks amazing.

    Ryan Thomas
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    That's most likely because FT is 2.5D (as Joe Slayton puts it) and has hill shading effects, but CC3 is only 2D and does not.

  • I don't know if I am answering your question but I selected a different colour scheme and it exported to CC3+ in those colours.

    Might not be the exact same world, but the style came out right. (I think I overwrote my first one, haha good thing it was only for fun:) )

    Ryan Thomas
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited January 16

    Yeah, the main difference is there's no hill shading in the CC map. If you turn off the hill shading in FT you will see something very similar to the CC map.

  • I bought the mappers bundle a billion years ago, came with FT3. I rarely use it. It is an amazing program though.

    Playing with the random seeds was fun, but I didn't stumble across anything that blew my mind yet.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    I've got the best results by picking a world that's sort of right in the general essence, and then editing it to make it more like the vision it generated in my head.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread quite a bit, RyanosRealm!

    Don Anderson Jr.Ryan Thomas
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    I am using the CA155 - FT3 CC3 Preview swatch in FT3. I didn't get far last night besides saving it to CC3+ and opening it up to look at it, because I got too caught up in the videos I was almost late for D&D night lol

    Don Anderson Jr.
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    No worries! I'm enjoying it honestly. I have finally found a group that loves mapping as much as I do! I've probably spent more time on this website and YouTube watching the tutorials than anything else this past week.

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    I have FT 3.5, but I think I might have screwed up the export template because I forgot to copy it before editing it. I ended up getting money out of my savings and bought everything but the source maps. I was just wanting to make sure I didn't screw anything up on my end, which it seems like I may have, so I'm gonna re-run all the install files again to fix them all back to normal

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    Thank you for sharing this! I think this will help a LOT! My world does run from -32.000 ft and 32.000 ft, this is perfect!

  • Thank you @WeathermanSweden! You heled me a lot! That's definitely what I needed to do. I ended up trying to repair my FT3.5 and it said it couldn't find the path in my PC, so I uninstalled it and re-installed it and it added some stuff to it since it found everything from CC3+ on my PC

  • Thank you everyone in here! I have never found a group so supportive and helpful as y'all are in here!

    Don Anderson Jr.Royal ScribeLoopysueMapjunkie
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    Just finished reading this and applying what he said, worked perfectly!! Thank you @WeathermanSweden

    LoopysueRoyal Scribe
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