Dungeons of schley Template broken

There is something broken in my Dungeons of Schley template, or possibly something else in CC3. When I insert a grid using the tool in the draw menu, instead of starting the grid at 0,0 it inserts at a weird position (5.20833, 5.776923; see image below). I don't know why it started doing this or how to fix it.
The origin of the map is correct. It's just the grid that is wrong. If I select points in the dialog I can get the grid in the right location but I never had to do that before.
Please can you share the FCW file so we can find the problem?
I reproduced it on a new map since I had already did a lot of work on the other map.
If you hide all but the MAP BORDER layer (layer, not sheet) there is a polygon (probably a decorative frame) on it.
The MAP BORDER layer is a very special layer that determines the extent of the map, controls the behaviour of many drawing tools, and also controls how grids are positioned. The layer should only have a set of 4 green lines, or a green rectangle on it (see below, where I have deleted the other entity to reveal it).
The grid you created was being positioned using the inside corners of that polygon as its origin. If you move that frame(?) to a different layer a new grid should work as expected.
I recommend re-freezing the MAP BORDER layer, once you are done, to prevent accidentally moving or deleting the green rectangle. Take care not to place anything else on it.
You're welcome :)
You are awesome Sue.
I'm not always that great, but thank you :)
You made some of my favourite styles so I agree, you are awesome.