Use the Command line ONLY to insert a .png into an .fcw file

My dexterity has died on me in terms of inserting png files into a map. Is there a way to do this via the command line only. I know the dimensions of the png as well as the map.
My dexterity has died on me in terms of inserting png files into a map. Is there a way to do this via the command line only. I know the dimensions of the png as well as the map.
I could do XP, but that's not command line. It's the closest I think I could get.
what do you mean by XP??
Yes. Type the position that you want on the command line. For example, to insert a symbol at 0,0, type 0,0 and space or enter. The usual modifiers for 2D points (@ and < and ~) apply here (that's @deltax,deltay; <angle,distance; and ~angle,distance if you haven't run across those before).
Note that if you wish to insert a png that isn't a symbol, use the INSERT command. It does pop up a windows file dialog, but that can be navigated using keyboard only, and if you know the full path name, you can just type it completely out in the file name field instead of bothering to navigate. Then type the coordinates like Joe explains.
I interpreted "command line" to mean the OS terminal. I seem to have been wrong! Sorry about that.