[Retro Starship]: Can you create a mirrored curve tool?

So when using the deck tools in Retro Starship, it has a mirrored hull. However, that is all straight lines. When looking at the options, it seems that this is the only way to do a mirror. Is there any way to create a tool for a smooth curved line that is mirrored?
If you look at the prompt while using a mirrored polygon drawing tool, you'll notice that it offers you to hold down the control key to create smooth nodes. This allow you to create a plan that has both curves and straights in the same poly.
Does that trick work only for mirrored polygons - it would be great if it were a generalized tool.
I asked that in the Live chat when Remy did the “Something Hidden in the Forest” video and was told that it’s specific to the mirrored polygon tool. I agree, it would be great if it also worked with other tools.
One thing to watch out for (and the primary reason that the smooth section only works for mirrored polygons) is that those generated entities aren't actually polygons but are cubic b-spline paths. That means that you're going to get several nodes for each corner, which will limit the maximum number of effective nodes as well as limiting what the system tooling can do with those paths.
Is there a way to rotate the mirror tool? Currently it only works horizontal. I want it to work vertical if possible.
The angle for the mirroring is found under the "Options" button on the drawing tools dialog. There isn't a way to set it dynamically as happens with the MIRRORPOLY command, unfortunately.
Thanks, that worked.