Trying to create a simple style
I was trying to create a really simple map style.
I'm curious if it works
Comments are welcome.
Not sure how to make the mountains "pop."
I was trying to create a really simple map style.
I'm curious if it works
Comments are welcome.
Not sure how to make the mountains "pop."
Trying to create a simple style
How to make the mountains pop? I'm not sure they need to change. I kinda like it. Maybe a shadow of some kind, but I don't think it's needed.
I like it!
I agree with Kertis. I don’t think the mountains need to pop. The beauty in this map is in its subtlety. It’s lovely. You could slightly darken them if you wanted, but I think they would well as they are.
Shaded relief might be the way to go to be more convincing on the higher or more rugged terrain. There's this Cartographer's Annual from 2008 that would help in that regard, if you have it, or if not, try this free PDF tutorial by HadrianVI from 2017, elsewhere on this Forum.
Thanks everyone for the comments and the infirmation.
I followed the tutorial and it change to this.
I like them both really.
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry for the double post, but I figured out how to make watercolor like tress.
Glad the shaded relief concept has helped - and very nicely executed too!
In case you haven't seen it, there is this Annual issue that deals specifically with watercolour-look map designs using CC3+ too. You may also get more ideas on this theme by searching through posts on the Forum by Lillhans, who was for some time our resident expert on creating this type of drawing style.
Both maps are gorgeous, but I for sure like the one with the shaded relief mountains better.