Community Atlas - Forlorn archipelago - The Bleakness, 2 villages and 2 keeps

These are between Flame Keep and Cold Keep, my previous Atlas maps.
I have marked off this area in 3 rectangles.
Should I map the monolith, the two villages, Burnt Pillar, and the two keeps ?
Or one of the two smaller areas ? I've labeled them, A, B, and C.
I will likely be very busy on Monday, but I would like some feedback on this. As you can see, not a large area.
Thanks !
I've always found it best to just think about what you have good ideas for. A map always ends up best if it starts with a good idea, rather than just start with a random area. So just go through the map in your head, think a little about what you would put there if making a map. Then decide if you have a good enough idea for the larger area or not.
If there's not very much happening between the points of interest, you could do several dungeon scale maps - one for each point of interest?
The pillar area could have something there besides the pillar. The two towns and keeps are ruins similar, but I'll make the maps different, to Cold Keep and Flame Keep.
Not sure I'll connect them to the tunnels. I wss thinking more the tunnels will be close, but not connect.
I decided to do part A.
Map so far. I changed the lettering colors so more readable for me.
Two ruined villages, 2 ruined keeps likely not much underground, but I'll see.
The monolith will probably have a bit of something there besides it. Arrows to Flame Keep and Cold Keep for context/location.
Now that my vehicle s back in the shop, I can work on maps... but if I don't say much over the next day or two, I've gone to get it.
I don't see making elaborate dungeons for these two keeps. I'll think about the villages and whether or not to do details on them or not.
Have my vehicle back. Maps in a day or two.
The Burnt Pillar Area. Some locations wont be detailed in the final maps. Preliminary map.
Four guard towers, to make certain the false kings do not arise to trouble these lands. Lands ? Well, populated at one time. Now you have to wait years just to count the few raindrops. And the tumble weeds.
And that is Red Out, nor Redoubt
Three burial mounds, for those who would be kings.
And a scorched and burnt pillar as a warning to keep away. You can hear whispering of the ghostly dead, if you but listen, late at night, under the New Moon.
Guard keep. A possible useful water well. A trap door leads down to a storage basement. Human bones in the houses, wood debris, cacti, a few bare trees.
Shrubbery... could be underground water there.
2000 pixel jpg in my gallery, 'larger Atlas maps'.
Basement. The trap door in the tower, when opened, the spiral stair is what the characters see.
Map made in three parts, had to hide the screen, and the map border is only on the left Marine Dungeon area. I'll attach the fcw for those who want to look at it. The grid will go away before submission, this is just to show a quick scale.
Shark and a few fish in the water. Preliminary map.
Added more symbols, and a larger background. If the rectangular background doesn't work, I can take it off.
I'm thinking about putting an unopened treasure chest in the northwest corner of the northeast corner of the Marine Dungeon.
Oops ! I forgot to add, that isn't a well in the basement, it is the continuation of the one on the surface. A cross-section.
Red Out keep and surrounds.
Basement will likely be smaller than Guard's keep basement.
No tumbleweeds, but your character hears whispers on the wind.
Any comments ?
Unforgiven keep
Oh, a pool of water, with something dead in it.
The basement of Unforgiven. I went with more of an organic build... it couldn't have been the large invisible spiders that built it... no opposable thumbs.
Larger in my 'larger Atlas maps' gallery.
Red Out keep basement
Almost for either side, then it all stopped.
Well, I just spent the past two days working on some crafting quests in Everquest 2. Not going to do more anytime soon. My eyes hurt due to me not blinking enough and I'm tired. Maps later in the weekend, maybe Saturday.
About 10 hours. Urf.
Bastion keep.
An illusion water well and water inside the keep. Three big monster skeletons, they must have come under attack.
Probably a very small basement for this one. Scrub has grown up around this one.
And here is a small basement... have you been wondering where the people in this area went to ?
Here they are. In the basement. Nothing but bones left.
Two casks and two small chests. Apparently the bad guys expected to come back for whatever is in them. They didn't make it.
I'll probably change the background so it is closer to the others.
Burned, a village. What are those pillars on each side of the map ? An aqueduct that failed.
And two failed wells. The Hand ? Probably from a large statue, the rest is gone.
And an update, background only.
A preliminary map of The Deep. A cave/tunnel that goes under this area. I have placed markers to show where the above ground areas are located. The uniformity of the pillars, well, must have been placed there.
Probably I'll 'place' it at 50 to 100 feet below any surface areas, with some connections up.
A preliminary map of the side-view. The vertical black lines are to show the location of the surface mapped locations.
I wanted to use one of the FS Castlewall_Blue_blu but I couldn't get it not pixelated. I'll include the fcw.
I'll probably need to increase the scale bar up to 10,000 instead of the 6,000 feet one shown.
I'm thinking about 2 or 4, one or two coming from each end, of stairs and a rest area. I'll have to.tie them in, so they can be hot linked.
I decided to move the cave system up closer to the surface.
first location, under Burnt Pillar.
opened treasure chest, under the giant cobweb.
There could be a small chasm or hole under the bridge on the right side of this map.
Oooh ! 2.2k likes for all my maps. I just need to work better, and get more awesomes.
I think this works.
Cattails in the water room. Three skeletons at the entrance. A small chest on the rocks.
Cattails out in the main passageway, but smaller.
Why are the boulders making it difficult to cross the bridge from one direction ?
Cavern path below Burned. The spiral stairs go up, through various tribulations and rock falls, that reaches one of the closed up water wells in Burned. The grey rocks in the rock wall blocking access to the water and the spiral stairs, pivot. Basically a hidden door set, but obvious due to the different color.
The spiral stairs are 5 feet wide.
I've changed the scale bar... this area could have extra rooms, guard posts by whatever lives down here, etc. But I'll leave that to someone else.
I'm not using miles because it would be 1.89393939 etc. repeating decimal.