Tegel Manor and Environs

Finito! This manor has been and off/on project of mine for years. I furnished the rooms based on the descriptions in the original Tegel Manor Judges Guild module that I obtained many years back, as well as Alyssa Faden's wonderful version from the Frog God Games new 5e version that came out a few years ago (i'm tempted to purchase it, if not for some new 5e monsters/stats, but for some new puzzles and traps,especially (I am always in the market for puzzles and traps - i like to fully exploit the fact that none of my players have above a 12 in INT in my campaign with puzzles, riddles, and traps of all kinds 😉)

The maps are pretty much in line with the original map, along with a really great hand drawn map from some guys wiki (of which also had great lore on the village and it's inhabitants). Obviously i cannot post the maps to compare here, they are pretty much to scale i think.

High resolution link to the manor and environs: 4 Items

MonsenLoopysueScottAroflo1JulianDracosGlitchCalibreJimPMaidhc O CasainQuentenand 8 others.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Great work. I am also pretty certain that none of my players have above 12 INT, because they suck at puzzles. But what about the characters? They just as bad?

  • 5 months later
  • Love this map, but for the life of me, I cannot align it to the VTT.

    What is the grid size supposed to be?

  • @Rat Salat asked: What is the grid size supposed to be?

    Assuming the Tegel Manor map is drawn to the same scale size as the paper original, the grid squares on that were 10 feet

  • edited July 2024

    Cheers, but I meant in terms of pixels. Having a hard time getting the grid aligned

  • 7 days later
  • I did it with a 5" grid. The map is drawn to scale, as i traced each room from the original Judges Guild version, but i prefer a 5" grid to a 10" for my battles as do my players. I've done a technique that can be found in the Tome where you can put a grid on your Floor Sheet and have done that here in the attached png, it won't be possible to match it to the VTT exactly, since it's aligned only to the floorplan and not the whole map. i usually place my grids this way so I can sometimes make them different colors, etc or have a grid in once place, but not in another on a battle map. I'll try to post a link to a copy of a good high res version with my grid on the floors. I'm not sure how long that will take, since it takes a long while as it sometimes does close to 30 passes over my many many many many sheets while saving

  • Lorelei: I've done a technique that can be found in the Tome where you can put a grid on your Floor Sheet

    Oh! I will have to find that in the Tome. Good idea!

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    It's under The Basic Dungeon Map under Grids. I've been doing this for years....it can be a bit complex but once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy and makes having odd shaped rooms in your maps easier for grid flow, IMO

    Royal Scribe
  • edited July 2024
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    I believe the image itself is 120000x9688. I've attached a gridded copy of the map if that helps you get it into VTT, but you wont' be able to line up your VTT grid with the map's grid (i usually don't use the grid version in VTT for my players - we just measure our moves with the VTT ruler usually)

    Tegel Manor new grid version.PNG

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