Humble Bundle 2022 - Contents?

The newest humble bundle appears to hold quite a bit! I own a ton already, so is there a list that breaks down what's in each "Collection"? I'd love to buy it if it has anything other that what I own.
(Also grab the bundle if you're on the fence. It's a great price point!)
I can't say exactly what is in which bundle, but these annual issues are all included somewhere in there.
EDIT: This is a much better spreadsheet showing which issues are in which part of the bundle:
Annual Issues in HB Maps Spectacular boy! I wasn't aware there was a Bundle. Thanks for posting!
One question: Can I give away the licence to products I already own to someone else?
(I think I know the answer, but it's best to ask)
Was discussed last time this was available. Just do a search.
On my cell, so I'm not sure how to copy and paste a link.
I remember the discussion. However, I want to make sure the same policy still applies.
Well! After doing a bit more research… I realized I already own everything! That’s both a happy and sad moment :D
That being said, I do hope whoever is interested can grab it. It’s a great entry into some powerful software.
This is what Ralf said to this question last year:
Thanks Sue, I do remember that post.
I just want to make sure it's still the case this time.
The rules don't normally change between bundles, and if they ever do I'm sure Profantasy will let everyone know ahead of the time.
hey, all.
i'm new to profantasy products and the humble bundle seemed a no-brainer while i was particularly interested in the Fanastic Landscapes item:
the bundle depicts 18 items while i received only 13 keys so i assume a few are tucked within other products? (links provided to the products i've been able to find to assist others in knowing what's included in the full bundle):
Battle Map and Floorplan Collection, Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus, Cartographer's Collection 1, Cartographer's Collection 3, City Designer 3, Dungeon Designer 3, Source Maps: Castles!, Source Maps: Cities!, Source Maps: Temples, Tombs...!, Symbol Set 2 v3 - Floorplans, Symbol Set 5 - Cities of Schley, Token Treasury - Monsters, & World Builder's Compendium.
...none of which seem to include a "Fantastic Landscapes"-sounding product with ProFantasy Software - Symbol Set 1: Fantasy Overland being the closest i could find on the site.
can anyone provide some insight as to where i could find any of the above that i don't yet have links to?
otherwise, from the bundle, the following still escape me:
Alleys & Avenues, Fantastic Landscapes, Exotic Locales, More than Maps, Modern Mapper, Age of Exploration, Dungeons and Floorplans, and the aforementioned Battle Map & Floorplan Collection and World Builder's Compendium.
finally, the so-called Annuals mentioned above seem to reference THESE tho not exactly while the May 2021 issue depicts which is (finally) reference to the Fantastic Landscapes i've been looking for with the same image:
my apologies for this long-winded plea tho i believe Humble and/or ProFantasy could have prevented it with more details provided in the Bundle/Item descriptions :)
thanks for any insight!
while i would have preferred not downloading and installing "everything" to see what's what (just 2 so far; the files are huge and DL rate is a bit slower than i'd hoped), i couldn't resist:
initiating installation of "Cartographer's Collection 1" from my registered products queue (HCC1_Setup.exe @ 1.04 GB) states "BattleMaps and Floorplans" during Setup while it installs Age of Exploration, Dungeons and Floorplans, and Modern Mapper.
Cartographer's Collection 3 ( @ 8.61 GB) (eventually) installed Avenues and Alleys, Exotic Locales, Fantastic Landscapes (woot!?), and More than Maps.
Hi @Virtual Nomad, and welcome to the forum :)
As I understand it there was a problem with the installers not all being present, discovered yesterday. A new one was immediately uploaded, but just as the DL speed seems a bit slow, so is the UL speed from our point of view. I was told it would be several hours before it was ready.
That was nearly a day ago, so I expect that if you are missing a few installers you can get them by re-downloading the affected bundles.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
There's a list of which annual issues are included with which part of the bundle here if you want the full information.
Annual Issues in HB Maps Spectacular thank you.
Thanks for this. I have all the program stuff. But will probably grab all the other stuff.
If you get the humble bundle stuff and make maps, can you include the maps in adventures you sell on drivethrurpg and the like? I couldnt find info in the licensing agreement
@Sheptagon Yes. You can use your maps commercially, no problem.
If you have any doubts you can always ask Profantasy for approval.
The EULA is right here:
So, I have all the items in the bundle whose names match up to PF products, and I'll certainly be getting the lowest tier anyway for the Modern Mapper. (I presume it doesn't matter that I don't have SS3.)
Getting the middle two tiers adds nothing, so I'm either spending £0.81 or £24.54 for the full bundle. What do people think of the material grouped under Alleys & Avenues, Fantastic Landscapes, Exotic Locales, and More Than Maps for a very casual mapper? Do you think it worth the extra £23.73?
It's hard to tell because the bundles don't tell you specifically what's in each pack but from what I can make out the top tier contains a bunch of stuff cherry-picked from the annuals, so if you were interested in those you would certainly save a lot of money since you have to buy a whole annual even if you want a single month. They are all pretty cool symbols but if you have no use for them then it's just a donation to charity (nothing wrong with that).
I do wish they would be more specific, if not on the humble site then on here so we know exactly what we're getting. But then the annuals don't really tell you that either. They give some examples and show some of the symbols but I'd be more likely to buy something if I knew everything being offered (every single symbol) before I pay for it. I would also like to be able to buy single months from the annuals rather than having to buy the whole year. I can see why they do it, and it is good value if you like all of it, but for casuals who only want what they know they're going to use, it means not buying any of it. Low prices for stuff you don't want is not good value however you look at it.
So to answer your question, the top tier packs do give you a nice selection from the annuals at a good saving, but whether you'll actually use any of it is kinda pot luck since you won't know until after you've paid for it.
Loopysue posted the list just up thread.
If I'm not mistaken, Sue's list only covers the contents of HCC3. Since this bundle also includes HCC1, I might as well post this matrix I've been trying to fill since the last bundle:
I'm not 100% sure on all entries, but it should be very close.
Thanks for the list. It looks like I don't own 14 on them: CA 13, 23, 26, 28, 30, 59, 74, 76, 79, 81, 88, 95, 99, 144
So assuming the list is mostly correct, if I just wanted 2 of these styles (I like more then 2), then it seems worth it to get the bundle instead of buying two annuals.
FYI the links sheet is hidden on the HC4 start. So while it says to click images to pull up the instructions for each style, it does not work. You have to go in and unhide the sheet for the links to work.
So I needed everything from the bundle except CC3+, CD3, and DD3. It was worth the price and it's for charity, so why not. Now I have three keys I haven't claimed because I already have licenses. Am I able to give those to somebody in need, or does that violate the terms of the license?
You can give the spare licenses to anyone you please. They must register their own account with PF.
Thank you for the guidance!
I had to reinstall one of the bundles to fix something. I wasn't sure which one, but I remembered this thread. If there a chance that this thread be added to helpful resources?
It's fine to give or sell the extra licences. If no one visiting the forum takes you up on the offer you could also try the Facebook Group.
I at least so no such bundled at Humble Bundle.
The humble bundles are typically only available for 2 or 3 months.