Cosmographer Traveller Sector Import

The sector importer from is awesome. My question is whether it is only "official" sectors that are importable. There is a sector that I created that is present on but it is not available in the dropdown list to map using the cosmographer import tool. How is the sector list populated? Is it possible to add to that list?




  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer

    Hello Flyteach :)

    I think you might need to contact Tech Support for help with this. You can do that by using the form available on your Profantasy account page.

  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited January 2022
    The problem is that the "Traveller Sector Import" (TSECIMPORT) tool is very limited which is surprising because the Traveller Map API is quite flexible. I don't know if the drop down sector list is hardcoded into the XP or populated by the API but since there is no option to select the milieux I suspect the former. Your "home brew" sector (which I would love to know the name of so I could check it out on the Traveler map) would not be available in that case. The only documentation I could find for the current tool is on page 458 of the "Tome of Ultimate Mapping".
  • LoopySue, tech support contacted. But I decided to go further and spent a few hours poking around. And, I found kind of what DaltonSpence is saying. What I did find is that if I run the travsecimportm command and enter the sector name, then it populated. What I don't get is the option to use the size symbol, but the atmosphere one seems selected by default. So, maybe support can point me to where this could be changed, or maybe generate a little interest to update this function for milieux and new sectors. It seems like the list is hardcoded, but as above, populated my sector just fine. The other option was to point the .cfg file to my drive, but found the command worked fine so far.

    By the way, my sector is Virgo. You can just search for that and it should pop up. Work in progress, but it's the background sector for the universe I'm writing in World Anvil.

    Thanks to both of you and I'll post if I find anything else out.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer

    Thank for sharing the info, Flyteach :)

  • Here is the Booklet generated for the Virgo sector. It looks pretty dense.
  • Thanks Dalton. Yup, lots of work to do. I'm using World Anvil to flesh it out for my Traveller campaign. You can see the public portions here: It's an established area of space, but with some surprises and the intent is for Firefly style games where exploration is possible, but mainly it's about the daily grind and survival (of course, don't forget about those surprises).

    BTW, Ralf answered (and very quickly) that all I had to do was modify the config file that has all the sectors hard coded into it. Once I did that, then it appeared in the selection list and worked magnificently. FWIW, Joshua Bell posted my custom sector very quickly and it's really kewl that it's available for players and others.

  • Flyteach said:

    Thanks Dalton. Yup, lots of work to do. I'm using World Anvil to flesh it out for my Traveller campaign. You can see the public portions here: It's an established area of space, but with some surprises and the intent is for Firefly style games where exploration is possible, but mainly it's about the daily grind and survival (of course, don't forget about those surprises).

    This is amazing! I wouldn't even consider tackling a project that big. I'm not a gamer, I just like playing around with the pieces like maps, starship designs, the occasional character story, etc.. I might think about making a frontier sector that was more sparsely populated but I'd prefer to create it with a random generator then fiddle with the worlds individually. Any suggestions?
    Flyteach said:

    BTW, Ralf answered (and very quickly) that all I had to do was modify the config file that has all the sectors hard coded into it. Once I did that, then it appeared in the selection list and worked magnificently. FWIW, Joshua Bell posted my custom sector very quickly and it's really kewl that it's available for players and others.

    Exactly what config file did you change and how? The ones in @System\Traveller don't seem to mention specific sectors at all. The Readme.txt file calls them "setting" files but doesn't explain them.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Here are the intructions I provided!

    - open the attached cfg file and in the list of sector names, add the custom sector you want to import, with the name that is in the travellermap database

    - Save the cfg file in a convenient location

    - Start CC3+ normally, as well as the process of importing a sector.

    - After saving the new map, the import dialog comes up, with the list of the official sectors.

    - Click the Change Export Settings and load your modified cfg file.

    - Click "Cancel" on the dialog.

    - Start creating a new map, again choosing Cosmographer > Traveller Sector Import and saving the map.

    - When the import dialog comes up again, you should now see your newly added name in the list.

    - Continue with the import as normal. Note that you may see a few script errors at the end, depending on the custom sector, but the end result should be the FCW map I have attached to this email.

  • 1 year later
  • FlyteachFlyteach Traveler

    Hallo Ralf!

    As a follow up, I have created a new sector. One can view it here on Traveller Map:

    However, the colors for the various political systems are not showing properly when I import into CC3+. They are all showing as grey and they all run together. Is that because I used different color names in the sector metadata file that aren't in the config file? If I know the numbers/names I can redo the config or add to it, but I'm not sure where to start.

    Thanks for any help!


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