Putting Chairs under Counters

My latest project is designing a diner. I'm having some putting chairs under a counter's edge. Both chair symbols and countertops are on the SYMBOLS sheet and the FURNITURE layer. It's supposed to look like this;

but no matter if I Send to Back the chair symbols or Bring to Front the countertops, when I Redraw the map I get this;

Why is this happening? What can I do to keep the chairs under the countertops?

Best Answers

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2021 Accepted Answer

    This is a side effect of the Delayed Drawn Symbols system. Symbols are redrawn at the end of the pass. However, the countertops, being polygons are not.

    Two ways to fix this is to either set DELAYDRAWSYM to 0 to stop this behavior, or do as Jim suggest and use a dedicated sheet for the counters.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    That can be an advantage, but remember it is valid for the entire session, so it will affect future maps opened in the same CC3+ session. Not likely to negatively affect most maps though, but worth being aware of if something weird happens.



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