New Humble Bundle

Is anything other than "The World Builder's Compendium" new at all, or is everything in the various "age of" and "mapper" packs just selections from the annuals?

Best Answer



  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker
    Accepted Answer

    They are all selections from the Annuals.

  • Thank you!

    Will that "World Builder's Compendium" be available to normal retail customers any time soon?

  • Considering that the whole bundle is cheaper than the retail place, I would pick up the bundle even for just that.

    But considering it is listed as 359.30 EUR worth of stuff and a combination of bundles, it is hard to know what is in the other products listed on the page. I doubt that "Fantasy City Mapper" would have City Designer 3, as the MSRP of Fantasy City Mapper is lower than the MSRP of CD3+... So probably it is also mostly from Annuals. I think DD3 should be missing from the Humble Bundle stuff, for a similar reason. Perspectives, Dioramas, Character Artist are obviously missing, and I am sure that they would also mention "Tome of Ultimate Mapping" if it would be part of the bundle. So I think most of the "unknown" products we see are from Annuals, but some topics used in the annuals aren't mentioned in these products.

    Depending on their content, this Humble Bundle can be an incredibly good value, as if our players would buy the bundle they would be able to open a lot of the map files we would be willing to give to them and by buying the expansions it would be easy to become a "complete bundle", etc. But if they would still have to buy the annual bundle, several expansions, etc., then it would be prohibitively expensive for players to buy stuff to simplify seeing the maps we make, etc. So it would be nice if we would see what is in the new products listed on Humble Bundle and what isn't...

  • I've already got everything, so I've got no reason to get the bundle myself. Looking closer at the description for the World Builder's Compendium it looks like even it might just be a combined PDF of a bunch of the annual tutorials, and if that's true then I've already got all of that too, just not in a single document.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited November 2021

    The WBC is a collection of previous published articles. They have been cleaned up, organized, and formatted for publishing in a pdf format, but they don't contain any new information from the original articles. It's a mix of articles that talk about word building in general, and articles that focuses more on the CC3+ side of things.

    There's also some additional tutorials bundled with it which I haven't been able to look over, but I believe those are sourced from the annuals.

  • Hi. I am new to napping in general but am curious about cc3. What should I know if I want to buy the bundle? Also I like the style seen in WD/DD for indoor maps but haven't seen something similar from cc3 yet. Are those maps possible? An example would be

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Hello MoonBrew :)

    You can learn a lot about CC3 by watching a few of our Live Stream recordings available here on Profantasy's channel:

    We are having another one this evening if you want to come along and have a look. It's at the top of that list.

    Animated water maps aren't possible in CC just yet, but there is a very recent underwater style I've just finished working on (this style is not included in the current bundle). Here is an example map extract.

    Jossy Georgeroflo1Calibre
  • I was missing Cosmo 3, Fractal 3, and Source Cities, so thanks for a good deal. I keep hoping for a bundle or super sale with Character Artist though.

  • Great bundle! What exactly do I have to do to get the 20$ voucher instead of the CC3+ license? I added the code for the CC3+ license to my ProFantasy product page, expecting that, since I already have a CC3+ license, I would get a voucher in my portfolio or something like that. Instead, I now have CC3+ listed two times in my product list. Well, d'oh. Did I just waste my voucher? Or can I still delete the second CC3+ license from my product list and then use the original code as a voucher code?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Hi BoggyB :)

    You will have to contact Profantasy directly and explain what has happened. I'm sure we can sort it out. Try contacting the General Manager through the Contacts page.

  • Thanks, Loopysue! I will do that.

  • Ein0rEin0r Traveler

    The bundle is a definitely something for me, but I'm not sure if I can recommend it to a friend.

    Because it looks like dungeon designer and city designer are missing? Maybe I'm wrong and just blind. But I'm not sure if this is interesting for beginners without the combination of cc, cd, and dd.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    It's correct that DD3 and CD3 isn't included. But it do contain SS4 and SS5 which is the Mike Schley city and dungeon styles, plus several annual issues which provides even more dungeon and city goodness. So one shouldn't lack city and dungeon capabilities with this package.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited November 2021

    @Ein0r All the dungeon and city tools are included within the core app these days ;)

  • KazKaz Newcomer

    If we buy the bundle for all the extra assets, but already have the core software, are we allowed to gift those keys to someone else? Or is the entire bundle just one big key/all tied together?

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker

    You can gift the serials to other people, no problem.

  • KazKaz Newcomer

    Thank you! 😄 I'm letting the mappers over on World Anvil's Discord server know - hopefully it'll get you a few extra orders!

  • caveCrawlercaveCrawler Traveler
    edited November 2021
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    Hi Ralf, can you tell me the procedure for getting the $20 voucher since I am already a lifetime license holder of CC3+? I did not know which option to choose on the Contacts page. Thanks!

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker

    Just send in a support request, listing your new CC3+ serial number you got from Humble Bundle. Ideally, don't put it on your account, but if you have done already, that's no real problem either.

  • What is the benefit of buying DD3 after buying the Humble bundle?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Mainly to get the dungeon styles from it. It used to come with a set of specialized dungeon tools, but these tools are now found in the core product. The humble bundle in particular already comes with a full dungeon style (Symbol Set 4: Dungeons of Schley), so it is less needed unless you want that style.

  • Is there any place where I can see this style?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    You can see examples on the DD3 product page.

  • 14 days later
  • Tom BTom B Newcomer

    I picked up the Maps Bonanza from Humble, which was a great deal for the few products I didn't already have, plus the stuff from the Annuals. Now that I finally have everything installed, the list of Add on under Tools includes several of the Annuals. I don't own any of them, so this must be from the Cartographers Collections that had the various styles in them. My question is, do these include everything from those particular Annuals, or only parts of them, so I will need to eventually purchase the Annual in question to complete everything.

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    I bought a previous bundle years ago. I think I didn't have say Dungeon Designer. I was able to make dungeons without DD3 without any issues. These almost always contain all of the symbols/textures, etc. needed for that style and do not rely on the base styles that come with DD3.

    With that said, you try to make something using DD3 beyond that specific style you won't have access to much of the needed textures or symbols.

  • Tom BTom B Newcomer
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    I have everything except for Dioramas and the Annuals. My Add Ons menu says I have Annual 1, 7, 8, 9, and 10 installed. Obviously, the Cartographer Collections included things from those Annuals. I'm asking how much. Is it the entire Annual, or just part of it?

  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    There are 12 issues, sometimes 13, per annual.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    @Tom B You will have selected issues from those listed annuals, but not the entire annual. The easiest way to find out exactly which issues you have is to go to your Annual folder and check the Issue numbers there.


    The drive this folder is on will depend on where you installed the software.

    The annuals are numbered from the very beginning, back in 2007. 1-179. The next issue due out at the beginning of December is 180, and the bonus issue this year is 180A

    JimPTom Broflo1
  • Tom BTom B Newcomer

    Thanks. Guess I will save some money by just buying the missing issues when I get around to picking up the annuals.

  • 14 days later
  • Is there a list of what styles came with this Bundle? My wife bought it for me so I could get FT and Cosmographer. I suspect I already have all of the styles, but don't want to waste the codes if I do. I can gift the CC3 along with the styles if I am not missing anything.

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