Classic D&D Dungeon

I was tasked by my brother with creating maps to be used in conjunction with the classic D&D module, I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden CityLuckily I didn't have to do all of the maps, just a few. 

These maps were done using the "Dungeon SS2A" style and I did my best to stick with those symbol sets as much as possible, unless there was something I absolutely needed from somewhere else.  I kept them as simple as possible, knowing that they would be used later in an online tabletop adventure.  The GM would then add his own tokens and characters.  First I used the original module map as an import, then placed it on the bottom-most sheet. 
I welcome any ideas, questions or criticism.  I am a novice at this art, and have much to learn.

Map A North.FCW
Map A South.FCW
Map C South.FCW

Map A - North Portion (300ft.x300ft.)


Map A North - Bridge


Map A North - Blacksmith


Map A - South Portion


Map A - South - Pool


Map A - South - Rooms 4-5


Map A South - Room 6


Map C - South


Map C - 1-2


Map C - Room 4


Map C - Room 5


Map C - Room 6


Map H (180x180 feet)
High Resolution Image



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    These are great maps, arcwynd :)

    I don't believe you're really a novice ;)
  • Thank you, Loopysue! I guess over the past year, I've just invested too much time with it (is that possible). I keep going on buying sprees for the annuals and want to try out new maps for each. I am an old D&D gamer geek and revitalizing classic modules is quite fun.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Very nice maps.

    That floor in map C looks a bit repetitive though, map would have looked even nicer if you had broken up the tiling a bit here, otherwise a very nice set of maps.
  • The "house" in map H doesn't seem to have any windows (only doors) and no internal light sources. While these maps may come from D&D sources that doesn't mean you can't add rational improvements.
  • Thank you, Monsen. I see what you mean. I'm going to have to explore some of the floor textures and how to blend them effectively.
  • Thank you, DaltonSpence. The doors are there, but not very visible, I think, because there are no handles on them. That is a relatively quick fix. I shall do so now!
    By the way, if anyone would like the FCWs I'm happy to post them.
  • Oh, that outside walkway is an outdoor patio. I might need some symbols there to indicate that.
  • OK, Map H has been reworked a bit. Added lighting inside and outside. Fixed shading problem (some walls had "wall shadow" instead of "wall shadow, directional"). Tried to make the outside porch more recognizable by adding a tree hanging over it and some pots and plants.
  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited May 2020
    A few more suggestions:
    • To make your doors more visible I think the inside doors should be open (into rooms, not halls) and the outside ones reinforced (which actually makes sense from a security angle).
    • I wouldn't give the bedroom an outside door or one to a storeroom myself but if your story requires it …
    • Also I think every room/hall with an outside wall should have a window for daytime lighting as well as a light source for nights. (The fact this is a walled compound should make this safe.)
    • The room with the carpet doesn't seem accessible; is there a secret door I'm not seeing?
    • The kitchen (that's the tiled room, right?) doesn't seem to have the appropriate furnishings. This would include a chimney for a stove/hearth.
    • This seems to be a one floor structure. If you want to add floors remember to add staircases too. (The other floors could extend over/under the walkway.)
    • Is one of those outside structures an outhouse? ;)
    • Finally, yes I would like to see the FCW files.
    I hope this helps.
  • edited May 2020
    I sincerely appreciate it, DaltonSpence! This is advice I should use on all my building maps.
    This is the description of the room that looks like a kitchen: "Unless previously alerted. Horan will be found in this chamber. He will attack as described earlier or in the manner best suited to the situation. His large elegant hall ends in a small L-shaped platform, four inches higher than the rest of the floor. The walls are painted In pastel colors with scenes of jungle landscapes and places under siege. Rice straw mats line the walls. On the platform is a flat cushion, an Inkpot of red Ink, 2 brushes, an Inking stone, and a blank scroll of fine rice paper (worth 100gp if sold in a large city)."
    That's it. Nothing else. Most of the description is of the walls which don't show up on the map. :(
    To answer your questions, the buildings in the North corners are shacks for Bugbears. There are secret doors (three of them) in the small room off of the storage room. Those and the location numbers are noted on the GM Layer (not shown in this image).
    I'm going to try to attach the FCWs to the original post at the top (I hope). Let me know if you have any problems getting them.
  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 34 images Surveyor
    As a note, < start rant > People being people there should be WC/Head or whatever. In a setting before indoor plumbing, if said room is inside there should be a short route for the slops to be taken out, or if the room is outside there should be a door near to it and a path going straight to it, or if an inside room with a cesspit, there should be an easy way of digging it out.
    It is one of my pet peeves that most RPG artists do not put in the WC/Head, to the people that live there, there is nothing more important in the floor-plan/Dungeon. < end rant >

    Do Bugbears need a privy? They should just you can maneuver the PCs into it. Call it a pit trap :).
  • Pvernon, lol! You are so very correct. This cannot be argued and must be implemented in my next map...somehow.
  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited May 2020
    Posted By: arcwyndI sincerely appreciate it, DaltonSpence! This is advice I should use on all my building maps.
    … <snip> …
    I'm going to try to attach the FCWs to the original post at the top (I hope). Let me know if you have any problems getting them.
    When I tried to view Map H with CC3+ there were a lot of symbols that didn’t show up. I purged the symbols list and used the SYMLST command (Symbols menu → Rename & Reorder → Create Symdef Name File) to get their names and selected the ones with numeric prefixes which seem to be the problems. See below. 220808_JJMR_Jungle_Plant_Clump_ 44554-Jungletuft5 82458-SvCJ Junle Plant 13 2x2 82465-SvCJ Junle Plant 7 4x3 44552-Jungletuft3 209071_JJMJ_Jungle_Side_Join_2_ 128631_VTJM_Fern_8_1x1 145324_QEJR_Jungle_Plant_2_3x3 128638_VTJM_Ground_Cover_14_3x3 209057_JJMJ_Jungle_Plant_9_3x3 82463-SvCJ Junle Plant 5 3x3 209078_JJMJ_Rock_3_3x3 44539-Jungle Rocks 5 44536-Jungle Rock 4 44530-Jungle Log 2 145329_QEJR_Jungle_Plant_7_3x3 44397-JungleTree 44553-Jungletuft4 82461-SvCJ Junle Plant 2 3x3 128643_VTJM_Ground_Cover_6_5x3 47071-Cattails 1 47075-Cattails 5 47076-Cattails 6 225253-Cattails 2 225252-Cattails 1 19489-Cattails 2 225256-Cattails 5 47077-Cattails 7 225255-Cattails 4 Where did you get them?
    EDIT: Okay, these symbols seem to have come from a custom directory which of course I don’t have. See this example listing: Symbol definition: Name: 220808_JJMR_Jungle_Plant_Clump_ Low extents: 0.00000,-7.00000,0.00000 High extents: 14.00000,7.00000,0.00000 PICTR2: color 39 () layer 264 (SYMBOL DEFINITION) line style 0 (Solid) fill style 1 (Solid) line width 0.00000 tag # 17658 pen 0.000 mm 2nd color 39 FileName: D:\Campaign Cartographer\My Assets\Jungle\Vegetation\220808_JJMR_Jungle_Plant_Clump_17_4x4.png Pixels: 14 x 16 Center: 7.00000,0.00000 Size: 7.00000 x 7.00000 Angle: 0.00000° Flags: No outline, Resolution info is valid, One resolution only, Alpha mode: Alpha channel : color 39 () layer 264 (SYMBOL DEFINITION) line style 0 (Solid) fill style 0 (Hollow) line width 0.00000 tag # 17692 pen 0.000 mm 2nd color 39
  • edited May 2020
    DaltonSpence, rrrriiiight. So, I do remember getting creative with my symbols with that map. Since you were so kind and did the work to list them, I shall put them together into one place so that they can be replaced with the symbol manager in CC3+. If those are the only ones that are missing, I know exactly where they are. I remember looking for jungle symbols for a few days. I will post that asap up at the top where the other files are. Thank you!
    By the way, even though you explained it, I still don't quite know how to pull up the list you obtained.
  • DaltonSpence - Now I see where I obtained those particular symbols. I use Roll20 quite a bit. Those are a series of symbols created by the artist, Gabriel Pickard.
    You can find his website HERE for more information. Very sorry about that.
  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited May 2020
    Here are the missing symbols on the other three maps:

    Map C South

    114374-VTWM Swamp Cattails 1 1x
    114376-VTWM Swamp Cattails 3 1x
    44536-Jungle Rock 4
    44539-Jungle Rocks 5

    Map A North

    82458-SvCJ Junle Plant 13 2x2

    Map A SOUTH

    225245-Canoe 1
    174284-SLR Ruined Wall Doorway
    242231-QEFK Ruined Wall Doorway
    44530-Jungle Log 2
    44536-Jungle Rock 4
    44539-Jungle Rocks 5
  • It wouldn't be appropriate for me to share those symbols, but I can tell you that castle walls are from Dundjinni mapping software and anything jungle related comes from the artist mentioned above. Sorry I can't do better than that for you. I really wanted to get the jungle feel on that map and Gabriel Pickard seemed to look the best. Map well, my friend.
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