Looks great suntzu! Cant wait to see this finished!
Quick question, i haven really messed with cc3+ yet, much less any overland mapping so pardon the ignorance, but do you have to create the archipelagos by hand, or is there a tool or technique that speeds this up?
all done by hand , it took me 3 days tracing round the island from an old map, the textures are a mix of the stuff from the annuals of Mike Schley and Jon Roberts , my only wish is that i would love to render at a larger size but the program bombs at 8000 by 7000
so i will have to cut it in half and stitch it back together to do it justice
Could you have converted the CC2 map of Harn CC2 map that is in the Interactive Atlas of Kandy to a CC3 one and done a trace to get all the islands to do it faster and easier instead of having to do it by hand?
Shame i made the picture too big now i can't render it so that all the details can bee seen un less some kind soul knows how i can get it rendered at 40000 by 28000 or the bigger the better
that toolkit requires cc2 , which i don't think is available , Ralf if your listening how about making it avaliable
To render anything that big, you need to render it piece by piece by saving it using the 'Rectangular PNG' option, then stitch it together in an image editor.
Also, some quick information on the Interactive Atlas, etc. I mentioned.
The only thing that was updated for the old Map Harnica for CC3 was to release a custom palette so that the maps could be viewed in CC3.
You can still download the CC3 color pallet and the 2 zips of of updated maps that were for the Atlas. (You can view the maps if you don't have the Atlas.)
An updated map of Harn is in the zip of updated maps.
Thanks for the info and comments , i may well do more harn maps though they will be regional and not quite so large , if there is a request for a region one please PM me ant i will see what i can do
Thanks For the comment , finally managed to render the complete image though i had to do it in 4 bits which when i stick it all together came out at over 700 meg , i have managed to get the image down to about 300 meg though
Quick question, i haven really messed with cc3+ yet, much less any overland mapping so pardon the ignorance, but do you have to create the archipelagos by hand, or is there a tool or technique that speeds this up?
so i will have to cut it in half and stitch it back together to do it justice
though the main file is not created yet
old file deleted
Maybe we can get the old CC2 Mappa Harnica Toolkit as a CC3 Annual?! That would rock!
that toolkit requires cc2 , which i don't think is available , Ralf if your listening how about making it avaliable
click for full size version in png format
Just have to do a few tweaks now as the a few bits i want to alter but thats for another time i think
I do hope you do more Harn maps.
Also, some quick information on the Interactive Atlas, etc. I mentioned.
The only thing that was updated for the old Map Harnica for CC3 was to release a custom palette so that the maps could be viewed in CC3.
You can still download the CC3 color pallet and the 2 zips of of updated maps that were for the Atlas. (You can view the maps if you don't have the Atlas.)
An updated map of Harn is in the zip of updated maps.
You can get them on the old page for the Atlas.
The tool kit is for CC2 you could convert it to work in CC3 with a good bit of work.
The tool kit site also used to have some sample maps for download and symbol set for guild badges. The symbol set does work in CC3.
If you are looking for the Interactive Atals and can't find one send me a whisper I know one place that still has one for sale.